4 Week Plateau?

I changed my lifestyle in January (trying to avoid the word diet because I've changed my eating for good). I have gone from 11st 6lb (159.6) to just under 10st (140). That goal was met in March.

Since changing my lifestyle I have been going to the gym 4-5 times a week in which I do a mixture of cardio and muscle building, I've increased the intensity on everything and really pushed myself to keep improving.

My diet consists of cereal in the morning, and my larger meals consist of a decent portion of meat and a lot of different vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale etc. I rarely consume more than 1200 calories a day and if I do then I work out for a bit longer at the gym to make up for it.

Since I've hit this plateau it has really knocked my confidence because I was 'on a roll' and heading towards my desired weight of 9st 5lb. I really need some advice/motivation to help me break through this plateau because it's really getting me down and it seems like the scales aren't going to budge.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
