Best way to get rid of stomach fat?

Hi all! So I have read that good ol' sit ups are great for this, but then I read that they are only good if you are already toned. What sort of exercise should I be doing for my unsightly stomach "lump" as I like to call it.

Thanks in advance! :)


  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    About two seconds before I read your post - I experimented sitting sideways on my computer chair - balancing my bum in the middle part, knees bent up (ok, it looked silly but who cares?) - but in order to balance and keep your knees up it really gives you a core workout. I held that pose for as long as I could, then stretched legs out straight and returned them to knees up for about 20 reps - and again, that really felt good and I could feel my muscles tensing hard. I plan to do this before and after every time I sit down to my PC.
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Just tried it and you can really feel it. Will be doing that on a regular basis I think. Thanks for the tip. x
  • sshultz
    sshultz Posts: 27 Member
    The only real way of getting a flat stomach is through diet. I'm not saying don't work your abs because they are muscle and need work just like other muscles. And because they are muscle you really shouldn't work them more than 2-3 times per week. They also need recovery time. But you can have have perfect abs and never see them because of the fat covering them. No amount of crunches or sit ups will do any good unless you strip away the fat covering your abs. Find your total daily energy expenditure (what you burn throughout the day including exercise) and aim for around 20% below that. Getting your nutrition in line is THE way to see your abs.
  • dollparts
    dollparts Posts: 4
    Thanks for all the tips! :)

    Also, will brisk walking work my abs?
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    Are you trying to build muscle there or just lose fat in your stomach? sshultz already hit on the fact that to lose it you need good diet, but as far as exercise goes any cardio will help you out. You can do exercises to target certain muscles, but as far as fat, pretty much your body is in charge of where it loses fat. So go walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc. Give it time and it will go away. GL! :wink: