Females with 100+ lbs to lose!



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    crabiecrab wrote: »
    Hi, I am 59 years old with health issues, and 232#, after being 265#, ..... I am very proud of my loss event though it doesn't sound like much I have went from a 3x down to a xl or from a womens 26 down to a 20, I love buying new cloths now. I wish each and everyone the best, and feel free to try a fit bit to help get moving.

    That's great strides! It's more than 10% of your starting weight !
  • Bulldogmomma3
    Bulldogmomma3 Posts: 58 Member
    I have 110 pounds to lose. Sadly I was at my goal weight and in the best shape of my life just 7 years ago and then stress and major changes led me to put myself last which was a huge mistake. I am determined to get back to the best me again :)
  • ohmissmikki
    ohmissmikki Posts: 2 Member
    I have 105 pounds to lose! I've already lost 18 pounds. I'm shooting to get down to 190 by the end of the year which would get me out of the obese bmi range! Let's motivate eachother :)
  • missmegannnn
    missmegannnn Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 18 and have 40kgs (88lbs) to lose. back a few years ago i lost 20kgs, but then gained DOUBLE back in less than a year. I really need the support and motivation to lose this weight.
    Anyone who wants to add me, go ahead. I need as many friends as i can get right now!
  • danette715
    danette715 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm turning 30 this year...in just a few months actually. I currently weight 278 and I'm 5'9". I'm sick of it. I've been heavy my entire life. I want to lose at least 100 lbs. I just want to be healthier for myself and my son. I just can't seem to keep myself motivated. I do good for a while and then just don't. So any friends or advice would greatly be appreciated!!!
  • MsLexii
    MsLexii Posts: 105 Member
    Hey All!!! I am 32, and have 158lbs to lose. I'm 6ft, started around 365lbs I think (I stopped weighing myself when the scale got that high).. I'm down to 328 now. My next goal is to just be under 300lbs. Once I reach that I will set another goal! I just started and am in the middle of my first 24 day challenge with Advocare. Down 14lbs, just from their program. I have an open diary (open only to friends). I am a fitbit junkie. I love being in weekly challenges. I am active every day on MFP. Please feel free to add me!! I've added a few of you already :)
  • myfightforfitness
    myfightforfitness Posts: 136 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • essentialsgs
    essentialsgs Posts: 3 Member
    marbelysd wrote: »
    Hello! For my height I should definitely lose at least 100lbs, but I need to set a realistic goal for myself first. Maybe 20lbs to start? Idk I just exercised for 15 minutes by dancing to songs I listened to when I was younger...it was very freeing! What have you started to do? The hardest part for me is food and gettin my lazy butt up and moving... :)

    Its hard to afford but I am paying for a personal trainer so I have to go. Once you get there I'm good and feel so much better. But I'm one of those who will help everyone before myself. I know am over 100lbs overweight. I can't be here for anyone if I'm dead..lol
  • essentialsgs
    essentialsgs Posts: 3 Member
    I started on my own diet program 2 weeks ago. I got to the point of a weight i never wanted to reach. I saw a surgeon and he wont operate tiII I lose a substantial amount of weight. So far I have lost 14# i need to lose 136# more to be at the weight i want. If I can do this without surgery that would be better for me. I don't really have a support system so I thought coming on here would be supportive.

    Surgery is only temporary hun, and then u are stuck with all sorts of permanent inabilities to absorb nutrients if u fall back into bad habits. If there is one thing I've learned is make it a lifestyle change, not a diet. Give yourself gifts for reaching goals that make u feel good, like getting a pedicure. The other thing is experiment with spices and yogurt dressings to bake with.
  • essentialsgs
    essentialsgs Posts: 3 Member
    tashka99 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 33 and have about 110lbs to lose. I've always struggled with my weight because of emotional eating and lower back issues that restrict my movement but always just brushed it off because I didn't see myself as an overweight girl. However, I recently learned from my doctor that I fall in the weight category that qualifies for weight loss surgery. Once I heard that I had a wholly *kitten* I need to change moment but the idea of losing 110lbs is very overwhelming that it drives to me seek comfort in food. I don't really have many people to talk to you about this...doesn't help that all my friends/co-workers and about 90% of my family have metabolisms that would make a fitness model jealous it's been hard trying to find support.

    But with all that self-pity aside I'm still pushing myself so if you need some support I'm here for you :)

    I'm polish and Irish. So I'm wide with a flat butt...haha. I have the same number to lose..110. My metabolism registers as sludge, but if I eat every 2 or 3 hrs, it cranks it up to mediocre, but better than sludge. If you seek good for comfort, change it up. Keep around cherry tomatoes, strawberries with Stevie sprinkles. In the beginning I premake French toast, then just sprinkle stevia on them in the morning after I microwave them for 10 seconds. Just keep healthier options at reach, like nuts. I hope I helped some
  • MUMxOFx6
    MUMxOFx6 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in Kg and converted. And yep it's around 100 pound I need to loose.
    I started about 5 weeks ago and have lost near 10 pound. (4.5kg)
  • brittneelaine86
    brittneelaine86 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm not sure how much I want to lose when it's all said and done, but it's well over 100 pounds. 3 years ago I lost 70 pounds and was feeling great. I don't know why, but I suddenly lost my motivation entirely and gained it all back PLUS an extra 35 pounds. 3 weeks ago I stepped on the scale at the doctors office and weighed 315 pounds, and after a good cry, I decided it was time to do my best to start getting this weight off. I have some thyroid issues that I'm undergoing testing for, so that's making it a bit difficult, but I refuse to let my health keep me from improving my health. If that makes any sense ;)
  • lisa18lp
    lisa18lp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 26 too and for years I have struggled with my weight, getting motivated to eat healthier and workout but last December I looked at the scale & something snapped in my brain and I have a whole new mind set for getting healthier. I joined Anytime Fitness and started with a personal trainer and joined team training. At first I didn't see any results and that is usually my downfall but realized even though I wasn't seeing anything on the scale I could feeling my body changing. I was feeling strong, clothes fit differently, I was losing body fat and gaining muscle, and just feeling good in general! (I gained muscle weight before I started losing weight.) So far I lost about 15 lbs in my goal to lose about 100+ lbs! Right now I am lacking in the motivation to get to the gym and could use some friends to help motivate me and talk to people in the same boat as me!
  • Mrspalacio
    Mrspalacio Posts: 18 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hey guys I'm 32 years old and at my heaviest I was 325 I have lost some over the last few years but not enough i am as of today 291 this time I'm putting forth to change my diet and not eat as much as I usually do looking for supportive friends feel free to add me
  • peberhart81007
    peberhart81007 Posts: 2 Member
    tanyaraem wrote: »
    I have a lot more than 100 to lose but doing it 1 step at a time. For me, I need to lose some weight before I try and add exercise just by strictly logging food/diet. I'm new though, just started seriously this week.

    I have about 100 more pounds to lose. I started using MFP at the start of this year. The food diary has been incredibly effective. Knowing where I'm at before I eat helps me to make choices that keep me within my nutritional goals. Due to some problems recovering from surgery, I was not able to any exercise at all. Just making better choices, and logging what I eat, I've been able to lose 37 pounds so far. I would have told you that it wasnt possible to lose any weight without being able to exercise. I was wrong! Do what you can with food, and be gentle with yourself. It's a process and you will be successful! You are worth the effort.
  • peberhart81007
    peberhart81007 Posts: 2 Member
    Never underestimate the impact of stress and changes. No need to think about where you were before, you are in the exact right place to move forward now. Every day your strength and health will improve. Congratulations and dont give up
  • JessG1018
    JessG1018 Posts: 1 Member
    I have over 100 to lose. I've decided to make my health/weight my top priority. I could also use some people to help keep each other motivated!! Feel free to message/add me as well!
  • ms_cataclysm
    ms_cataclysm Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm 54 and about to restart my diet after serious illness. I am taking things step by step and my first goal is to establish a baseline.
  • MedicJohnson88
    MedicJohnson88 Posts: 18 Member
    every feel free to add me. 28 here i weight 260 hoping to get down to 180 - 160. hoping to lose the weight in hopes of adding a little one to the family, and just doing things i have never been able to do hope to see adds from everyone :smile:
  • nalley80
    nalley80 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Everyone!!! :) My name is Sherri. I am 5'6 and live in Pittsburgh. At one point in time I weighed over 400 pounds. I lost it in a very unhealthy way and a lot of it came back. I have been battling my weight for a long time now and usually stuck around 240 or 250. I recently got on a scale and realized that in one year I gained 42 pounds. I was 292. I am bound and determined to not be over 300 again. Naturally I cried and sobbed on my boyfriends shoulder. After a little while I realized there is never going to be a quick fix, there is never going to be an easy way. I need to change my life. Since I started (again) about 2 weeks ago I have lost 9 pounds. I am just going to keep trudging along and keep soda and junk out of my life forever!!!