Can't exercise with arthritis in my legs. Only aquatic therapy

Hello Everyone, I have been trying to lose weight and have no problem losing it once I put my mind to it. It's just keeping it off and not to mention some meds I was taking causes weight gain. It is such a battle for me seeing how I'm limited in exercising. I have been taking water aerobics and it helps. Right now I'm fighting against having will power to pick and choose to make healthier choose. I have a hard time eat 3 meals a day. However I refuse to give up.


  • keep at it - you're worth it.
  • Frank_Jr
    Frank_Jr Posts: 103 Member
    The first step is to never give up. Now, how many days a week do you exercise (water aerobics)?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I love my aquatic exercises. I take a water aerobics class and swim laps. Both have really helped since I have lost over 100 lb so far.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    There's nothing wrong with water aerobics. Keep at it :)