tonsillitis after first week of training - frustration

Hi there,

I am so siappointed. After months of eating crap, a devastating breakup and a lot of other s**t I finally found the strenght to wanna live healthy again.

Bought SS, some rubber bands and joined a to gym to do Stronglifts and love it.

And then I get sick - tonsillitis.
Mostly lying in bed/on my couch. not allowed to do any sports, just some walking. and as its caused by a virus theres no medication available other than painkillers. could be another 2 weeks til I'm allowed to train again. and I work out almost evey day. Getting weird all day alone in my appartment. not used being alone. can't have any visitors because its infectious.

And I wanna be lifting and running and doing yoga cause it's what keeps my from going insane.

Does anybody know if I'm allowed to train again when I'm painfree?

Sorry for this. Just feeling so depressed and frustrated. and afraid I can't go back on track after this and end up living unhealthy again.