MYFITNESSPAL sugar tracker????

Okay so I noticed eating an apple and a banana and a handful of strawberries through the day maxes my sugar out completely, but it is healthy sugar. Before changing my diety I never passed it since my issue was sodium levels. I also tend to have low, very low, blood sugar issues (ya medicated for it too). So I am not sure if the sugar tracker is really accurate on what I should or should not be ingesting through the day. Like... if there is a way separate unhealthy sugar and healthy sugars?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    There is no way to separate them - and the body processes fructose and sucrose in the same way, so it is a futile effort anyway. You don't have to track your sugars if it annoys you. . .they are tracked by default on the printable version so you can always toggle over there if you want to look at them.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Sugar is sugar whether it comes from fruit of a soda. Fruit is a better bet because of the fibre that slows sugar absorption and the nutrients, but sugar is sugar. Those, like me, who limit sugars will also limit their higher GI fruits (like tropical fruits and grapes).
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If you don't have a medical issue you could always switch from tracking sugar to tracking fiber which I consider more useful.