Tonsillectomy @ 5 yrs of age

Hey you savages! A lil intro. My name is Frank im a trucker by trade, 40 yrs old and I've been big ever since I can remember. At 5 yrs old I got a bad ear nose and throat infection. Doctors said I needed surgery to remove my tonsils and adenoids. Resulting in a steady weight gain.. it's been a real struggle to loose and maintain weight loss. Joining the highskool football teem resulted in a concussion that just brought me into a depression that I'm only getting out of now. As a result of depression, even more weight gain.. I've worked out and not lost a pound. My heaviest weight 374lbs . a year ago I decided to try and clean up my diet and started taking vitamin suppliments. Today I'm hovering at 305. I've only started using myfitnesspal recently and it's a big help. I'm looking for any info on and what I can do about the tonsillectomy and how its affecting my weight loss. And also wud like to start hitting the gym and mabe join a jiujitsu class.. anyways thnx for reading any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Have a great day!


  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    Interesting article and I suppose that if OP gained a few pounds when he was 5, it would be easy to project from there and continue that trend to 374 pounds. OP is no different than most of us here, we kept making excuses until one day we slap ourselves along side the head and tell ourselves to just stop it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't believe your tonsillectomy has anything to do with anything. I had one when I was 18. You just need to consume less energy (calories) than you expend.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    It is a thing, but it dosn't affect everybody.

    Oddly enough, having tonsils out can help some manage autoimmune diseases too, which could lead to weight loss (for those who are better able to lose weight when not ill).

    Tonsils do sometimes grow back. Mine have partially. Maybe ask your doc if yours are growing back if curious.

    As to what you can do about it? Nothing probably. Nurture your immune system and just work with it. It isn't that different than those of us who lose weight while hypothyroid, or with other abnormal hormaone levels such as high insulin.

    You need to find a way of eating that makes eating less more doable. Just adding a workout usually doesn't do enough. For me it was eating LCHF, for others it is just cutting back on calories in general, and others find paleo or other woes helpful in achieving CI<CO.
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    ALL the doctors you've had in your life have performed tests that dispute your assumption that your body chemistry is out of whack? Or they didn't do any tests and just dismissed your concerns? 35 years is a long time to have not found a solution. Not sure where to tell you to turn to from here.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    Even if this is a thing, the issue would at worst be that you burn less calories for you sex, height, age, weight than someone similar, not that you cannot lose weight. That means it might be more difficult for you than anyone else.

    Having said that, my suggestions to you are 1) Set up your goal here to get a calorie goal. 2) Eat that calorie goal measuring all your food and drink no matter how seemingly insignificant as carefully as you can. By that I mean ideally use a digital kitchen scale in grams to weigh your food. This avoids mis-measurements so you can have good data to work with. 3) Do this every day for 3-4 weeks and see how you progress. If you are losing, great. If you are maintaining, drop your calorie goal 250 calories an go another 3-4 weeks and re-evaluate.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My youngest had his tonsils out at 3 years old. He's almost 7 and still as skinny as ever. He's also very active, eats lots of lean meats and vegetables, and stops eating when he's not hungry.

    I had my tonsils out at 16. I only started gaining weight when I was 21 because I ate fast food 5 times a day and did very little activity.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    edited April 2016
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    Ask your doctors to run blood work and have your RMR tested. You'll have actual science answers at that point as to what your chemistry (aka metabolism) looks like.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was young, never had issue with weight until after my first pregnancy.
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanx everybody for the great info and advice. I appreciate this community and hav learned alot so far
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    Ask your doctors to run blood work and have your RMR tested. You'll have actual science answers at that point as to what your chemistry (aka metabolism) looks like.
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    Ask your doctors to run blood work and have your RMR tested. You'll have actual science answers at that point as to what your chemistry (aka metabolism) looks like.
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    Ask your doctors to run blood work and have your RMR tested. You'll have actual science answers at that point as to what your chemistry (aka metabolism) looks like.

    What is RMR??
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    Ask your doctors to run blood work and have your RMR tested. You'll have actual science answers at that point as to what your chemistry (aka metabolism) looks like.
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    Ask your doctors to run blood work and have your RMR tested. You'll have actual science answers at that point as to what your chemistry (aka metabolism) looks like.
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    How did you come to the conclusion that having your tonsils and adenoids out at 5 years of age has any correlation to any weight gain over the course of your life? I understand the depression link, been there, done that. Weight loss is as simple as eating less than your burn in calories. There's lots of helpful info on here to accomplish that. Good luck to you.

    Apparently it's a thing.

    It is a thing.. I've lived it lol and the whole calories in vs calories out works yes but if your body chemistry is off because of surgery then there's sumthing else happening. Unfortunately all the doctors I've had in my life were all either uninformed or ignorant..

    Ask your doctors to run blood work and have your RMR tested. You'll have actual science answers at that point as to what your chemistry (aka metabolism) looks like.

    What is RMR??

    Resting Metabolic Rate. They can use it to determine your BMR.
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    Was this posted in the debate section or moved there? I'm just curious.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    moe0303 wrote: »
    Was this posted in the debate section or moved there? I'm just curious.

    @moe0303 It was posted in Debate, not moved to.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    The tonsils and adenoids are part of the lymphatic system which is responsible for removing by products of inflammation etc, this should suggest they are vital parts of the immune system. The lymphatic system does not have a pump of its own, the blood system uses the heart, it relies on movement for its impetus. The western medical system do not bother much with this system where as the oriental practice does. It has been noted that persons who have had a tonsillectomy and later become hypothyroid do not express with a goitre, which should have prompted the medical profession to question, why? I do not remember any of my information points but I question why any organ or gland should be dismissed and wantonly removed because at our stage of understanding we do not have the knowledge we need to ensure it does no long term harm.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    This is all interesting. I had mine removed my junior year in high school but I was big before and after. Worst pain in my life but I am happy they are gone.
  • frankreis69
    frankreis69 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm definitely not looking for sympathy a pat on the back or reassurance from anyone.. and it's typical of ppl to criticize when they don't know me or my whole story. I've been on a low caloric diet my whole life till I got this app. My whole life ppl been telling me not to eat a lot. . I never remember ever having a breakfast.. my fitness pal has been telling me that I'm not taking in enuf calories to lose weight.. so I'm confused