On the verge of losing hope

I used MFP this time last year, I watched my calories and alternated between crazy binge days, days where I ate reasonably, and days where I ate 600-700 calories (I know, very bad) . I did no exercise whatsoever, and I lost almost 15 lbs in a month and a half. I remember losing around 5lbs in the first week. The weight just kept dropping off. But then I quit because I had exams and comfort-ate and all the weight came back.

This time around (for the past 3 weeks) I've been watching what I eat (average around 1150-1250 a day), going to the gym 3x a week - mostly cardio but I've added a bit of strength training here and there, drinking more water, walking more, just generally being much healthier and I have not seen a single change - in fact I seem to have gained 1kg :( No real difference in measurements either. It's sooooo disheartening and I feel like there is no point paying for my gym membership if nothing is changing. What is wrong with me? I only have 30lb to lose and I can't even shift 1lb. So depressing


  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    It's discouraging when the scales won't budge, but just remind yourself that the math doesn't lie. If you are eating less than you are burning, your progress may be masked by fluid retention. Just keep going.
  • alltheweigh170
    alltheweigh170 Posts: 287 Member
    Trust MFP and log diligently. Give it time and don't worry about the scale for the time being. Do it for your health. Also, when you start exercising and especially strength training, you will show a small gain due to water retention. CICO works.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Be patient. It's only been 3 weeks... Are you weighing your food?
  • lindwalk
    lindwalk Posts: 15 Member
    What are your macro percentages set at?
  • Jenn_M013
    Jenn_M013 Posts: 12 Member
    My duh moment happened when I weighed every day for a week and the number never budged. I finally had enough sense to weigh myself clothed and not, noticed the scale still didn't change, and realized I needed to change the batteries in my scale. My point it, don't beat yourself up. It could be something as simple as a stupid busted scale. :)
  • s1886x
    s1886x Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for the responses, I feel so much better after reading them :) I realised yesterday that I wasn't weighing *all* of my food and that meant I was logging way fewer calories than I was actually eating! So I've changed that now. Also, weighed myself this morning and I am 2lbs down from yesterday! Happy happy.