Understanding "deficit" and "macros"

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
Hi guys - newbie here....

I'm on Day#15 - won't weigh until Day#21 - it takes 21 days to develop a habit. Then I will weigh once a month on the first of the month. I don't want to get hung up on the # on the scale. This is more about getting healthy and toning up.

My question is how do you not eat your exercise calories? I am currently walking approximately 3 miles per day and doing 20 minutes on the stationary bike. Adding a dumb bell dvd with 3 pound weights this week - 3X a week - do an AM Yoga dvd (20 min.) to stretch things out occasionally -

I have plenty of time to exercise right now as I am in job search mode. I'm thinking if I get in shape that can only help my cause for job interviews.

I feel like I am still eating too much and wanted to cut out the exercise calories.

Macros - I am still working to make my macros match my goals. Looks like I need to work on sugar and fat. Any suggestions? And if you say to cut something out what would you replace it with?

Be gentle on a newbie ya'll.....


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    1. "Not Eat Your Exercise Calories": I eat about 1/2 to 1/3 of mine on a regular basis. It really depends on how hungry I am. If you don't want to eat them, don't!
    2. "Sugar and Fat" Macro Goals: Without being able to look at your diary, it's hard to make specific recommendations, but in general, try to up your intake of lean protein and fiber-rich veggies to fill up on things that don't have a lot of sugar and fat.
  • lindwalk
    lindwalk Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there - I'm turning 54 this year as well. No, I don't eat my exercise calories. To create a deficit of 500 calories a day, you can burn 250 cal through exercise and eat 250 calories less.

    As far as your macros go, I'd like to see what percentages you are at for the top 3 - carbs, proteins and fats, plus your total recommended calorie intake. Personally, I have mine set at 45% protein, 25% fat and 30% carbs.

    Make sure you have a scale to weigh your portions - super important! And track everything - down to the last pat of butter. Good luck!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited April 2016
    If you're using an MFP-generated calorie goal you should be eating your exercise calories.

    As far as macros go, I aim for a minimum of .4g of fat per pound of bodyweight, rounded to the nearest 5, as my minimums. No problemo if I exceed it. I aim for .8g of protein per pound of bodyweight as a minimum. I normally let carbs fall wherever but I am currently trying to up my carbs so on lifting days I try to get 225. I don't watch my sugar numbers at all.
  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    1200 calories - Carbs at 50% - 150 g, Fat at 30% - 40 grams, Protein at 60% or 60 g and Sugars at 45 grams
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    I eat my exercise calories back. I've got a Fitbit and I only do cardio (plus the occasional yoga video) and I've found the calorie count to be spot on, so I eat them back without worrying about it, and I lose steadily.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Following the MFP method your goal is set at a deficit with no exercise figured in, so if you do exercise you should eat back at least a portion of those. Many people start with 50% or so to make sure the calories burned aren't overestimated. I use a Fitbit now and find it to be very accurate.

    With regards to macros, unless you have a medical reason to focus on certain restrictions, you don't need to worry too much about sugar (not a macro anyway but commonly is an area of focus since MFP goals are notoriously low). I focus on getting a decent amount of protein, 0.8g per pound of body weight, and I try to eat a variety of nutrient dense foods but without cutting out anything in particular.

    That has worked well for me in 3 years on MFP, I've lost the weight I set out to lose and am currently in maintenance.
  • tracyp900
    tracyp900 Posts: 16 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Following the MFP method your goal is set at a deficit with no exercise figured in, so if you do exercise you should eat back at least a portion of those. Many people start with 50% or so to make sure the calories burned aren't overestimated. I use a Fitbit now and find it to be very accurate.

    With regards to macros, unless you have a medical reason to focus on certain restrictions, you don't need to worry too much about sugar (not a macro anyway but commonly is an area of focus since MFP goals are notoriously low). I focus on getting a decent amount of protein, 0.8g per pound of body weight, and I try to eat a variety of nutrient dense foods but without cutting out anything in particular.

    That has worked well for me in 3 years on MFP, I've lost the weight I set out to lose and am currently in maintenance.

  • tracyp900
    tracyp900 Posts: 16 Member
    Can anyone help me my weight is currently between 50 & 52 kg I have set my macros at 50% carbs 30% protein and 20% fat yet I'm not losing anything, please help
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Not eat exercise cals? My goal is to eat as MANY cals as I can while still losing weight, so if I've got good exercise that day, you better believe I'm going to eat and refuel my body. :smile: And as others have said - if you're using MFP correctly, especially if your goal is just 1200 cals, you should be eating those cals back, or you're likely coming in under 1000 net cals per day, and that's not sustainable, or necessarily healthy.

    When I was using MFP's set up, I did eat my exercise cals back. Along the way I discovered the TDEE method, where I basically figured my total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) which includes exercise, took a cut from that number to give myself a daily calorie goal - and since exercise is figured in, it's the same goal every day no matter what. Although if I do have a particularly large burn from extra activity or something, I'll go over the goal to keep myself fueled.

    I'm 48 years old, have dropped 25lbs and several sizes, and kept it off for around 4 years now - while eating 1800-2000 calories a day. My macros are set at 40/30/30, and I do my best to reach those goals, although I don't always hit the full protein numbers. I have no problem hitting my carbs and fat though! LOL And I even exceed my carbs & fat goals fairly often, hasn't stopped my progress.

    If your goal is to get healthy and stay that way over the long term, don't sell yourself short by eating bare minimum cals - like I said, it's hardly sustainable long term. For me, I knew there were foods I could cut out and maybe see faster results, but am I giving up pizza, burgers, cocktails, beer & wine, ice cream, birthdays, holiday goodies, dinners out etc for the rest of my life?? HECK no. These things fit into my goals, and I still eat them on a regular basis. Life is much more enjoyable that way, and the best part is I know I can stick with it, as I have for the past 4 years or so.

    Best of luck to you, and I would seriously reconsider eating 1200 and no exercise cals back.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited April 2016
    tracyp900 wrote: »
    Can anyone help me my weight is currently between 50 & 52 kg I have set my macros at 50% carbs 30% protein and 20% fat yet I'm not losing anything, please help

    As always, we'd need your height and age. Age is less important, but still a factor. Nevermind about age, I see in your profile that you are 37 yo.

    Additionally, how many Calories are you eating per day?
    And how, exactly, are you measuring/calculating those Calories?
    How long have you been at this?
    Have you added/changed an exercise routine?

    edit: Also, you should really start your own thread for this. A) so not to hijack this one; and B) so it doesn't get lost/bogged down.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited April 2016
    tracyp900 wrote: »
    Can anyone help me my weight is currently between 50 & 52 kg I have set my macros at 50% carbs 30% protein and 20% fat yet I'm not losing anything, please help

    Weight loss is calorie deficit. Health & nutrition is macros. If you are not losing, you are not at a deficit.

    Find your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, maintenance inclu. exercise) and eat less than this OR use MFP to get a calorie goal BEFORE exercise. When using MFP numbers eat back a portion of your exercise calories (because they are not in the original equation).
