Confusing Progress

Hello, I've been using MFP for about three weeks now. The first two weeks I was eating 1300c and stalled after only 1 week. So I started researching to get myself on track and do this right. So, last weekend I was able to find my BMR, TDEE, and set up my macros. I also took measurements and BF%. I've stuck to those numbers very well but after doing measurements I am getting some bizarre results.

Gained 1" in neck (16 to 17)

Lost 1" in waist (42to 41)

Lost 1" in hips (43 to 42

Lost 3% BF (30 to 27)

Gained 6lbs LBM (142 to 148)

Strength is up in the gym (3x weight lifting) and I usually do HIIT swimming for 20min or so in the pool. Macros are generic 30/30/40 although I tend to get more protein and fat than carbs on most days. These numbers just seem bizarre, no weight loss, and gaining 6lbs of LBM is physiologically impossible from what I've read. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm thinking I should cut out a few hundred more calories. Currently eating 2045c a day which is lightly active -25% from fat2fitradio's BMR chart.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Relax, take a deep breath. 3 weeks isn't enough time to see any consistent results especially when you cut calories so low then upped them again and started a new exercise program. Give your body a chance to figure out what's going on!
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    1. Three weeks is not enough to judge. Stick to one thing for at least 3 months then think about changing stuff if it doesn't work.

    2. One inch here and there means nothing. We are losing and gaining inches every day even if we are not on diet due to food we ate, type of food we ate, how much alcohol and water we drink, how much salt we ate every day, etc. These all things varies from day to day and can increase your weight by even 10 pounds and inches for like 2 - 3.
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    Relax, take a deep breath. 3 weeks isn't enough time to see any consistent results especially when you cut calories so low then upped them again and started a new exercise program. Give your body a chance to figure out what's going on!

    I agree. I have read in numerous magazines that you should try something for at least 4 weeks to see if it's working before modifying it. I would also do measurements every month, scale at most every week. I find that one of the keys to weight loss is making small changes and staying busy doing other things. Sustainable weight loss isn't fast.