
Please can someone help me, im going to lose my mind over something so stupid lol!!
I weighed my potato before i cooked it and it was something like 383g then i weighed it after and it was something like 304g. Ive entered both ( cooked & raw ) and the calorie difference is about 100 calories. Which one do i use? Im so confused lol!
Thanks x


  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    On the packaging of mine it says if the calories are for raw or for boiled (usually boiled). Look up potato nutrition in google. It should specify if the calories given there are for boiled or raw. Keep in mind that food entries here in MFP are done by users and they could be completely wrong.
  • MillyMooMummy1994
    MillyMooMummy1994 Posts: 42 Member
    I bought them loose from tesco, and i searched it on here. It says tesco's loose baking potato and then it has tesco loose baking potato baked. And thats what im comparing xx
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited April 2016
    Confirm your nutrition info against the USDA database. You just pick the right entry, weigh your food, pop the number into the "Value per 100 g" box, being sure to use the right amount (e.g., 304 grams would be entered as 3.04 since it's based on 100 g), and then click the little calculator "Apply Changes" link at the top of that section.

    Baked potato (304 grams)
    Energy (calories) = 295
    Protein (grams) = 8.0
    Fat (grams) = .40
    Carbs (grams) = 65.18

    Raw potato (383 grams)
    Energy (calories) = 303
    Protein (grams) = 8.2
    Fat (grams) = .31
    Carbs (grams) = 69.21
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    I bought them loose from tesco, and i searched it on here. It says tesco's loose baking potato and then it has tesco loose baking potato baked. And thats what im comparing xx

    Its most likely that two separate user have entered the values and added them to the database. If you aren't happy with that you could just use a generic baking potato and match the nutrition info from @jemhh or USDA in future if you find irregularities.
  • Abby2205
    Abby2205 Posts: 253 Member
    Use raw weight and raw entry. With the cooked entry I wonder if mine has been cooked more or less and has lost more or less water. Although raw potatoes probably vary in water content too...
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited April 2016
    When a raw potato is 100 calories and you cook the same potato it is still 100 calories no matter what the cooked weight is. ( as example of a 100 calorie potato)
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Just make sure you picked the right entry from the data base - whether its roasted, oven baked, boiled, or whatever. Use the cooking method in your search request - "white potato, with skin (or without, as you like) baked, 100 grams". I tend to weigh my food after it is cooked, as that is how I consume it. I cant imagine weighing and then logging a raw potato, as I wont eat a raw potato.