New to gaining muscle - I want your advice and (success) stories!



  • diverroboz
    diverroboz Posts: 61 Member

    I only did three weight work outs last week, because I was hurting so much. Is that because I'm not strong yet, should I go down on weights, or keep at it and instead just "redo" a week?? What do you guys think?

    Sore muscles happen a day or more AFTER TRAINING, they are known technically as DOMS Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, unsurprisingly!
    It feels stuff and sensitive, painful at the smallest pressure. Yep, it always happens when new to weightlifting, or after a layoff from that particular bodypart. You can train thru it, just warm up first and go easy! It will pass in a few days or so... rarely it is longer than 4 days of very painful muscles.
    Redo? Sure, after 20 years of training I redo workouts every week... never stop learning to lift better!! That is what is great about it!!
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