Trying to Lose For a Kidney Transplant

Hello everyone. I just started keeping track here yesterday, so I thought I would take time to introduce myself.

I have had problem with my weight for years, and it just seems to keep going in the opposite direction as to what I would like. I have also been in end stage renal failure for three years and doing dialysis at home for almost two. My kidney failure was caused by an autoimmune disorder called IgA Nephropathy, but doing peritoneal dialysis has really added to my weight problems. I put in 10,000ml of dextrose (sugar water) into my adbomen each night, and this adds about 1000 calories to my diet before I've even eaten my first bite of food. I also do my best to exercise, although I am often tired.

In order to qualify for a kidney transplant, I need to lose weight - at least 20lbs to start with, but this isn't easy. I feel like I have no support. My transplant team just tells me to watch portions and the types of food I eat, which I do, but with no results. My dad and stepfather both tell me that I'm just lazy. I could do it if I just try, and that just makes me feel like more of a failure. I sincerely try.

I have managed to drop a pound in the last two days. It's a start I suppose.


  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 603 Member
    Hello. Given the medical issues, I really think that your weightless should be medically supervised. They are not really helping you by simply telling you to watch your portions. Please ask for a referral to a dietician with experience in working with kidney patients. Good luck!