HELP! Not sure if I should be eating in maintenance yet or not

Ok so over the last 15 months I have lost 85 lbs. I'm a 31 year old 5' 6" female. My original goal was to hit 150 lbs but now that I'm here I've found I have a lot of body fat left especially on my legs and butt. I lift twice a week, run 3 times a week (about 2 miles or so) and do an exercise class an hour a week. My trainer wants me to eat in maintenance at this point and create a leaner better looking body through exercise. I'm freaking out though because I have SOOO much fat left! I also upped my calories over the last week from 1350 to 1650 and I've gained 5 lbs! I'm also freaking out about this! Please help! I don't know what to do and I'm afraid of gaining weight and not reaching my goals. uxahbw5ku398.jpeg


  • NewMEEE2016
    NewMEEE2016 Posts: 192 Member
    You look gorgeous! How much more do you want to lose? Is it w/in the "normal" range? Maybe building muscle would tighten things up? My concern (I'm 61) is that I want to be sure I don't start to get saggy skin & look wrinkled. I think a little extra plumping in the face is actually more attractive & younger looking. We have to find the sweet spot. (love your haircut, btw!)
  • rawley69
    rawley69 Posts: 49 Member
    You should really do some strength training. It'll help firm everything up.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited April 2016
    You could switch to recomp (sounds like what your trainer is talking about). It's a slow process of cutting fat / adding muscle.


    You could continue to lose a bit more.

    It's really your choice.
    A 5lb gain sounds like water related to the increase in calories. Try not to worry about that too much. An extra 300 calories a day isn't enough to make you gain 5 lbs. It will probably come off in a few days to a week or so.

    I've actually only just started to eat at maintenance and am going to attempt a recomp. My stomach looked similar to yours when I was at the high end of healthy on the BMI scale. I'm now at the lower end with a BMI of 20.6 and I still have the hang thing going on (2 kids/both c-sections/add in being 260 lbs...well you get the point), but it's not as thick anymore and it's really wrinkly looking. It's your choice though. I wasn't comfortable switching to recomp until now and even though it's only my second day, I'm still second guessing the choice. I have told myself though that to at least give myself 4 weeks of Strong Curves (program I started yesterday as well) and re-evaluate then (never know, I might just decide to do another 4 weeks at that point).

  • NewMEEE2016
    NewMEEE2016 Posts: 192 Member
    Chanel, I didn't see the full text of your message and the other photos until now. I agree- strength training is the way to go. I wouldn't worry about the weight gain, as long as your clothes still fit the same or better - it's probably muscle. Are you getting your body composition done? What does it show?
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    rawley69 wrote: »
    You should really do some strength training. It'll help firm everything up.

    I strength train once a week but am bumping it to 2 days a week. I want to do more.

    As for my body fat percentage I'm due to get it redone. I'm currently 150 lbs and a size 8 bottom and a small top. Unfortunately you cannot spot treat where u lose fat and I do not want to lose anymore weight in my face or upper body but instead recomp. I'm ok with my current weight as long as I can transform my ugly body! I just started running 2 months ago so I'm hoping that helps with my legs and butt.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'll let you know now, running didn't help my butt. My legs don't look bad, but my butt still needs help. That's actually why I started the Strong Curves program (to hopefully get a rounder butt...doesn't need to be big, I just want it to be round instead of flat).
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    My butt is actually just all fat and I was hoping the running would help melt some of it off my butt and legs. I feel like all the weight training in the world won't show muscles through all my fat
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm the same height, 46, a bit heavier than you ATM, and carry my weight a little differently. I've also been much heavier than I am now. I completely understand where you are coming from. It's why my goal weight has moved down. Will I get there? Time will tell.

    I would try to drop 10 more pounds and also get this video and start doing it. Really works to change your shape and is much tougher than it looks when you get the exercises right. I've been slacking on the behind & hips stuff, but I do the abs work at least 3 times a week. You can take a pic before, then take pics after 10 hours work at this. It makes a difference.

  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    Have you taken a diet break yet? A good read about diet breaks:

    If you are new to lifting weights I would recommend following a full body routine 3 times a week. It will probably take 3-4 months to start noticing changes in your body.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Keep your calories where they are for now and add in more strength work. Get on a structured program. I used Stronglifts to start, and it is on a 3 days/wk cycle. You can still do your cardio on the days in between. Watch the scale, as 1650 should still put you in a deficit. Those 5lbs are probably just water/glycogen and will probably go away within a week or two. As you build strength and muscle, you may be able to balance out your body a bit (like building shoulder and chest muscles so you won't look as pear-shaped.)
  • Maries_wine_calories
    Maries_wine_calories Posts: 152 Member

    HI thought I would share what I did about my flabby legs and baby pooch! I am same height and smallish frame and very happy at 155lbs, size 8 pants. I took to using 3lb and 5lb free weights for 20 mins of reps a couple times a week, along with reverse crunches and body weight resistance exercises- things I can do at home. Also a foam roller to help tone my muscles in my legs and core. Honestly made a difference over about 3 months on my thigh cellulite and quite noticeably about 6 months. At that time (last year) I also changed my protein intake to about 25% of my intake calories and dropped my carbs to 45%. I saw definition in my arms in a few weeks and felt lighter too. FYI- my maintenance calories are 2200+, so depending on your activity level you will need to adopt a "feed your fire" mentality now instead of trying to snuff it out.
    According to my fitbit HR I've burned 2700 calories for the last 3 days (wine calories earned!).
    Best of luck in your journey, you're killing it already- and gaining momentum!!
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    Have you taken a diet break yet? A good read about diet breaks:

    If you are new to lifting weights I would recommend following a full body routine 3 times a week. It will probably take 3-4 months to start noticing changes in your body.

    I have taken a diet break before. I have been lifting since October however with an injury I had and then a surgery I'm just now getting serious about it again.

    I have orthostatic hypertension and other health issues that are heightened when I'm eating in a deficit so I'm really wanting to reach my goals at this point through exercise. Also like I stated before I don't really want to lose more weight on my top half but instead change my body composition.

    HI thought I would share what I did about my flabby legs and baby pooch! I am same height and smallish frame and very happy at 155lbs, size 8 pants. I took to using 3lb and 5lb free weights for 20 mins of reps a couple times a week, along with reverse crunches and body weight resistance exercises- things I can do at home. Also a foam roller to help tone my muscles in my legs and core. Honestly made a difference over about 3 months on my thigh cellulite and quite noticeably about 6 months. At that time (last year) I also changed my protein intake to about 25% of my intake calories and dropped my carbs to 45%. I saw definition in my arms in a few weeks and felt lighter too. FYI- my maintenance calories are 2200+, so depending on your activity level you will need to adopt a "feed your fire" mentality now instead of trying to snuff it out.
    According to my fitbit HR I've burned 2700 calories for the last 3 days (wine calories earned!).
    Best of luck in your journey, you're killing it already- and gaining momentum!!

    Thank you for letting me know there is hope! I'd hate to think I've come this far to be so uncomfortable in my own skin. Currently I lift 15-20 lb free weights and have been working with an excellent trainer since October. I am just now getting back in to the swing of things and upping my intensity. I am determined to get results! Can you send me a friend request so I can get ideas from your logs? My email is
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2016
    Its perfectly normal when you add in calories to see a jump on the scales, it not real gain but the glycogen stores replenishing themselves as they're getting extra calories. Stick to maintenance calories, you'll see all will be well :smile:

    Give your body several months to get used to the weight loss. Some of that skin will tighten but it takes time.

    You've done an excellent job and certainly look fabulous with your clothes on.

    I've noticed considerably less pooch since I began being more consistent with lifting, I'm in month 7 of a recomp and feel it'll take the same time again to really get to where I want to be.

    I've been maintaining my goal range since 2013 but my body shape and skin is still changing/tightening up. Its an ongoing process.

    (I maintain on 2100-2300 calories/5ft 2" /46/ 128-133lbs/ active)
  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    Listen to your trainer. You might be surprised, when I went on maintenance, I stabilized then dropped a bit a few months later and did settled at weigh lower than I expected to.

    I also think you may have loose skin issues some people opt to have the excess surgically removed.
  • hellobaconplease
    hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
    I don't see fat, I just see loose skin and perhaps a bit of muscle building needed. You look amazing.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    I also don't see "so much fat." You need some amount of fat on your body, and since you're female, it likely will be in those areas. If you like and trust your trainer, do what s/he says, at least for a while. After 6 months, reevaluate. As @sijomial said, there's no rule that says you have to do what you're doing now forever. Follow a structured progressive program, preferably 3 days/week. You already have photos, so that's good--take photos every month or so and see if you like the direction you're headed. It really is that simple. And you do look great!
  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I have a similar body type and problem areas. I'm 5'4" and 143 pounds at the moment, and my all-time highest was 240 pounds. I am aiming to reach 130 pounds to have some "wiggle room" in maintenance as I am just 2 pounds shy of the overweight category.

    But, looking at YOUR pictures (as opposed to looking in the mirror), I am able to recognize that you look good! We are our harshest critic sometimes. Often, lighting, angle that the picture was taken can accentuate problems areas and cellulite. We're so used to seeing airbrushed photos but even models have some amount of cellulite, loose skin or stretch marks .If I were to give my honest opinion, I think I would aim to lose just a few more pounds, but maybe at a very slow pace . You don't have a lot to lose at all. However, maybe readjust your expectations re: loose skin, stretch marks, etc. I agree that recomp and weight training will help with the aesthetics.
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    I really do appreciate everyone's help. I'm going to stick with the 1650 calories for a while until I reach my goal of 140. I've really upped my game at the gym. I don't want to be the person who just says I don't like what my body looks like but isn't willing to do anything about it. I'm going to keep up my running (which I love) for cardio and hit the weights a lot more. I totally agree that we are our own worst critics. I get frustrated that I let myself get so heavy and that I did this to my own body. It's a process I guess. I'm trying to learn to just be happy with what I have. One of my favorite articles was about a girl saying she loves her ugly body and what it can do! My body can do more now at 31 then it could at 21 so for that I am proud!
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    I have such similar stats as you (33, 5'6", lost 85-90 lbs, in the upper 140s) and have a similar body 'look'. I personally am still going for fat loss but that's just me. I am having the same struggle and concerns with regards to fat placement. My upper body is like ripped, I can see my ribs on the top half, collar bone is boney AF, and yet I have alllll this fat on my hips/thighs/belly. I think I have about 25 lbs of fat to go myself and so that's where I'm at.

    I want to point out that in these pics it's obvious to me you are retaining water. So it's CLEARLY water weight. How do I know? Look at your left calf on the behind pic, and your sock prints from the bottom half of the one where you're facing forward. You don't get printing like that unless you're carrying serious water around. Don't fret the 5 lbs, I promise.
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    AceofIvies wrote: »
    I have such similar stats as you (33, 5'6", lost 85-90 lbs, in the upper 140s) and have a similar body 'look'. I personally am still going for fat loss but that's just me. I am having the same struggle and concerns with regards to fat placement. My upper body is like ripped, I can see my ribs on the top half, collar bone is boney AF, and yet I have alllll this fat on my hips/thighs/belly. I think I have about 25 lbs of fat to go myself and so that's where I'm at.

    I want to point out that in these pics it's obvious to me you are retaining water. So it's CLEARLY water weight. How do I know? Look at your left calf on the behind pic, and your sock prints from the bottom half of the one where you're facing forward. You don't get printing like that unless you're carrying serious water around. Don't fret the 5 lbs, I promise.

    I hear you! I'm in the same boat! My arms are getting almost muscular, my clavicle bones are protruding, you can see my upper rib cage and my face at times looks sullen but... I have all this weight on my bottom half. I will say that starting to run 2 months ago has helped me to lose almost an inch off of each thigh. I was hoping to get in shorts for the first time in 11 years this summer but I'm not quite there yet. I'm just going to keep working. I mean look how far we've come, we can't quit now! I have lost 3 of those "5" lbs already :-).
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    I am wearing shorts - and f*** whoever dares to comment ;) My ultimate goal is a bikini... my belly area is nowhere close to being able to pull that off though. I hope this year...will take a cruise somewhere warm just to do it :)
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,748 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! You look great! I think you have a excess skin issue more than having excess fat. You lost a lot of weight and your skin can only retract so much. You may want to consider surgery to remove the excess skin at some point.
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    There is fat under that skin unfortunately. Your best bet is lift like a man! Squats with heavy weights etc. if you add muscle you lose fat. If that skin hangs completely flat with no flab underneath then you would need surgery. But you definitely aren't at that point. Muscle gain is what is needed.
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    AceofIvies wrote: »
    I am wearing shorts - and f*** whoever dares to comment ;) My ultimate goal is a bikini... my belly area is nowhere close to being able to pull that off though. I hope this year...will take a cruise somewhere warm just to do it :)

    That's awesome! You rock 'em girl!! I bought Bermudas for the first time this year. I'm not quite at the f*** it stage yet lol
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    catsdogsh wrote: »
    There is fat under that skin unfortunately. Your best bet is lift like a man! Squats with heavy weights etc. if you add muscle you lose fat. If that skin hangs completely flat with no flab underneath then you would need surgery. But you definitely aren't at that point. Muscle gain is what is needed.

    You are absolutely right about the fat under the skin. I do not have any intentions of getting surgery. My plan is to literally work my *kitten* off. I lift heavy twice a week at this point. I do not think my butt and legs are hopeless. My stomach skin hangs but I don't really care about that.
  • sbermud
    sbermud Posts: 58 Member
    edited April 2016
    I am almost 5ft 6 and at 150 I weigh too much. I don't feel great and I have a lot of fat on me. I am similar to you. If I were you I'd keep losing. I am at 127.8 now ad So far I have lost 52lbs.
    Really it depends on how you feel....