Any swimmers out there?



  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I drink water (24 oz ice water) in the hour before I swim. I swim, usually, first thing in the morning. I swim and then I have one of my homemade smoothies. I do 2.5 miles a day - one hour. I don't find myself hungry after my swim. I do drink more water before my smoothie.

    The secret to fat metabolism lies in oxygenation and hydration. Without oxygen, fat is not liberated from fat cells. So your breathing is critical. If you're struggling for air, you're in the anaerobic state, not aerobic.

    Water is required as well for fat burning. Be well hydrated and not just during the swim, but all day long. I drink about 9 twenty our oz cups of ice water through the day.

    The same is true for building muscle. So, eat well, sleep well and don't forget to breathe and drink water.

    Here's my smoothie recipe. Make it in a bullet type blender.

    5 ice cubes
    2 tbsp pb2
    2 tbsp Metamucil original course unflavored (don't be a pu$$y -it's not yucky!)
    Top with water
  • SarahBJane
    SarahBJane Posts: 24
    Well, I am so thankful for all of the responses. I am happy to find I am not alone here on the hunger thing. I will start eating some more protein and water before my swims and see if that helps. I love swimming so I can't give it up. With the comment on breathing, I only get out of breath when I try to get in my last 6 or 8 laps to finish my mile in 45 minutes. I am always trying to beat my time. I also agree with the other comment about wanting carbs when I am done swimming. I have to be honest and say I do cave in and have about 200 calories worth of pasta right when I get home from the swim. I am just hoping that all of this swimming will get the weight off. It just seems to me that swimming takes more effort with calorie control and being more conscious of what I am eating.
  • analilua
    analilua Posts: 4
    Me too - absolutely starving after swimming. I think it's due partly to swimming being a full body workout. Also pro swimmers are notorious for their 10,000+ calorie diets while not having a problem with weight gain or fat. I read recently in Tim Ferriss' 4 Hour Body that "Water is 24 times more thermally conductive than air." So it seems that in water our heat loss goes up significantly and our bodies have to expend a lot more calories trying to maintain our body temperature. Michael Phelps, according to the book, eats 12,0000 calories and spends 3 or 4 hours in the water. During that time he's expending about 9,000 calories, assuming his metabolic rate is around 3,000 calories per day.
  • SarahBJane
    SarahBJane Posts: 24
    I absolutely agree. I have done a little research on core body temperature and how the cooling effects of water makes you burn more calories trying to stabilize it. I do think that plays into why we are more hungry after we swim. It just sucks bc I am trying to lose quite a bit of weight and I know swimming is a great calorie burn. I just hate that it makes you so hungry. So the question now is, do you swim and eat more or just try to swim and not eat more??
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    To be honest,I swim because I love too. I never even knew the calorie burn was so high until a few weeks ago and will be looking into making it a regular routine.So I haven't really thought much about the calorie intake part of it.

    I grew up on the beach and am in the water every moment I can be in the summer.
  • SarahBJane
    SarahBJane Posts: 24
    It definitely burns a ton of calories. I am just wondering if because I am heavier that my hormones or whatever are playing a role into why I am more hungry. People always say, "do what you love", and for me, that is swimming. I know I need to increase my protein, I am just not that big a meat eater. I would rather get my protein from other sources. Greek yogurt isn't filling to me at all and nuts are so high in calories. So frustrating..
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    remember and drink while swimming too, some of the hunger may be thirst.

    I also find that swimming makes me hungry even if i know there is no way i am (had meal not long before) i think it's due to swallowing some of the pool water and it's just my stomach reacting to that. So take that into account too.

    try something like a banana after the swim, rather than an apple, i find apples make me hungrier if i eat one post swim, i'm assuming due to it's wateryness or acidity, while nana's and similar fill me up enough. if i'm still hungry 30 mins later i'll have another snack (or dinner depending on the time).

    also, are you measuring yourself? weight is not the best gauge for fitness or fat loss.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I swim a lot for exercise too but would never rely on MFPs burn rates. I calculate mine on FitBit's site (you don't need to have a FitBit to have a FitBit profile) and it's roughly 2/3 of the burn I'd get here but I can trust it and eat it all back. I'm not a great swimmer so log it as leisurely swimming too - just to be on the safe side. Aqua aerobics is great fun too if you have access to classes in your area.
  • SarahBJane
    SarahBJane Posts: 24
    I have not been measuring myself and I have to say, scales can make me completely insane. I am trying to count calories and exercise. I feel my arms are getting more sculpted and my clothes fit differently but not much loss on the scale. Do you think swimming like I do and watching calories, etc will make the scale down eventually? I am one of those that can gain weight and muscle fast. When I was in shape, I am 5'8 , then 150 lbs, I wore I size 8 and people thought I wore a size 4. They couldn't believe I weighed what I weighed and wore a size 8. I was really lean and toned then, never counted calories. I have gained about 100 pounds in 5 years. Last year I started working out, ie, swimming but not counting calories and never lost weight but did go down a size but gave up bc of the scale.
  • katiebenson12
    katiebenson12 Posts: 80 Member
    I go to a water aerobics class 5 days a week and experience the same thing. I found that if I do a protein shake (Monster Muscle Energy are my favorite and have 25 grams of protein and are about 200 calories) combined with a banana or bagel has helped immensely. The total calories are around 350.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It's more about how you feel and your health rather than what a pesky measuring device tells you, surely? Some of us are never destined to be skinny but we can out-fit our skinny counterparts and be in much better proportion making our clothes look better. Calorie counting will stop you overeating and you can't fail to lose if you keep it up. Most important thing is to grow to enjoy the process.
  • SarahBJane
    SarahBJane Posts: 24
    The gym I go to does have aqua aerobics but the hours I work does not permit me to take them. I like swimming laps anyway. If swimming laps could be my job, I would be in heaven bc it never gets old. I could swim for hours, it's like therapy. It's just funny to me the way I like to swim, people would think I should be thin and that's what my family tells me. That is why I joined here bc I knew I was probably just eating too much. If I let myself, I would eat over 3,000 calories a day from swimming but I don't think I would lose much weight. MFP says I should eat 1550 a day to lose but I like to exercise and I want to exercise so that I can eat more too.
  • PaintedAlice
    PaintedAlice Posts: 37 Member
    I love swimming; like OP used to swim competitively as a kid, but not so fast these days! Firstly, I tend to have a low calorie instant hot chocolate after a swim, as I find that warms me up (especially in winter) and I feel like a lot if hunger is a sort of coldness/emptiness thing. Secondly, I invested a Polar heart rate monitor a month or so ago which has changed my life as I can wear it underwater while I swim and it tracks my calorie burn. It's then easier to know if how much I can afford to eat back accurately.

    Hope that helps, and happy swimming everyone! :-)
  • SarahBJane
    SarahBJane Posts: 24
    @WaterBunnie, love the name by the way. I am just trying to get to a healthy weight by doing what I love. It just seems that swimming is making it harder to achieve my goals. The scale doesn't show much of a loss so I get discouraged. I just want to be thin and healthy again. I am not at a healthy weight at all but would love to get there. So far, I have no major health problems except being overweight. My main objective is to be athletic and healthy. I definitely want to look better and feel better. I just hope swimming gets me there bc it is the one exercise I love.
  • analilua
    analilua Posts: 4
    Maybe swim and eat more foods that don't make you spend the rest of the day craving high calorie foods, but cure the hunger quickly. I haven't done a lot of research on that. I find that carbs from bread or sugar take away the hunger for an hour or so, but then I crave them the rest of the day. So I'm playing with things that have more protein and fat - like nuts and legumes and so far it's working. I also don't crave sugar stuff when I eat a lot of protein.
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Maybe try and eat before your swim see if that helps
    Drink more
    For better results mix up your swim

    Do interval sessions, different strokes

    Let us all know how you get on

    Good luck
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    According to this article, swimming makes you hungry because you get cold. They suggest taking a brisk, short walk after swimming, to warm you up.

    This is a more scientific article, which suggests that hunger after swimming is a real phenomenon. It also lends some support to the idea that getting cold has something to do with it. From the conclusion section: "Collectively, these findings suggest that water temperature and possibly subsequent core body temperature are important determinants of feeding responses after exercise in water." So that brisk walk might be worth a try!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Another swimmer here. Most times, probably because I swim for so long, I wind up going past the hungry stage into what ever it is when you don't remember your hungry until the smell of food hits you in the face. Especially when I put in one of my "marathon" swims - 1600 m split into 400 m medleys followed by 800 m in each stroke except butterfly and side stroke.

    I have finally "trained" MFP to give me back almost accurate calorie burns according to this site:

    I've asked in other threads about how accurate it is from people who have HRMs, and it's been a pretty positive response.

    When my calorie goals were set for MFP plus exercise calories to eat, I wouldn't feel the hunger the day I swam. But, the day AFTER I swam, I could not stay out of the fridge. Mostly because I was still netting negative numbers by the end of the day. Finally had to change the way I approached the calorie goal, which helped. Now, if I'm not throwing a snit fit over the gym management being sharks, I'm swimming every other day for at least an hour alternated with every other day "marathon swims", and I rarely get the day-after-ravenous-munchies.
  • K2ofCU
    K2ofCU Posts: 22 Member
    Hope this helps,
    when you swim in a heated pool (27 degrees normally) the heat dehydrates you and the chlorine washes off the salts on your body so your internals send out more salts to the skin causing even greater dehydration.

    As a competitive older swimmer I need to drink at least 1 litre of water 2 hours before then 10ml of sports drink (salted squash) per minute so a 300ml bottle for half hour swim have it on pool side stop and take a gulp every 10 minutes or so.

    So appreciate this post! - thanks! :)
    I find that I'm far more dehydrated than famished .
    (Our pool does not allow us to bring in water bottles for lap swim, since someone during the daytime session (non-lap-swimmer) brought in liquor -eyeroll.
    Given the hedonistic nature of lap swimmers-joke- we're talking to pool management about this nonsense....)
    Another good tip I was given when I went back to swimming but was overweight was;
    Pull in your stomach muscles before you get in the water don't release them until you get out
    It is a brilliant workout I can be on the brink of being sick after 1 hour swim because I've worked so hard.

    WILL try the stomach toning exercise- brilliant!
    Thanks again!