Committing to prelogging?



  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Besides all the great advice already given, also see what kinds of quality, filling foods you are eating! If you eat a snickers bar for lunch, you're adding a lot of calories for something that's going to make you hungry in an hour! Take a little time to educate yourself (if not already) on best filling foods, macro ratio, etc... a big bowl of salad (greens, spinach, kale, fat free feta cheese, balsamic vinegar, add some protein like 2-3 oz grilled chicken or a boiled egg, etc... is going to keep you full longer than if you eat a half a muffin!).
    Also, be careful with sugary drinks... they take up a LOT of calories and they are not going to fill you at all! Best to choose a breakfast green smoothie over a glass of orange juice (for example).
    Sugary cereals and even instant oatmeals are also sugary foods which take up a LOT of calories and will not keep you satisfied for more than two hours!
    Good luck!
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    I prelog and I manage my daily average over the course of a week. That way if I go over one day, I make up for it another day by not eating as much or exercising more. In the iPhone app, pick a day of the week and be consistent. I go with Sunday. Then go to Diary/Nutrition/Week View/Last 7 Days. Manage the net average for the last seven days to come in under your weekly goal, then do that each week until you hit goal weight. This strategy seems to work for me.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Do you eat back your exercise calories? I will pre-log my default calorie goal and that gives me my exercise calories to either make spontaneous decisions, have bigger portions, or bank for the weekend.
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    I pre-log the entire week Saturday-Sunday so that I can view my weekly average and make sure it's under my TDEE. I try to leave a 3,500 calorie deficit but if I feel like changing something I do it. The worst that will happen is I lose 1/2 lb that week instead of 0.8-1 pound. No big deal. I prefer to eat less 6 days a week and have 1 surplus day so the pre-logging really helps me to not erase my entire deficit.
  • Canuckgirl77
    Canuckgirl77 Posts: 123 Member
    I only prelog for the next day bc I eat what I'm in the mood for. I meal plan on the weekend for the whole week so that I have several options ready and portioned out in the fridge. Then before I go to bed I log what I will eat the next day and I try to leave some wiggle room.

    The next week I make different meals so that I get variety. Otherwise I get bored of what I'm eating and I'll fall off the wagon.
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    I have to pre log. I feel like pre logging helps me stay committed. Honestly, you need to find what works for you. It takes trial and error to figure out what you need to stay satisfied. I've tried all the diets, but in the end it was 80% clean eating and 20% allowing myself treats, like my daily Dr. Pepper and cream and sugar laden coffee. Weight loss it tough, but I feel like finding the right way to do it for you body is half the battle.
  • jamacianredhair
    jamacianredhair Posts: 230 Member
    Sometimes I prelog and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I change it and sometimes I won't haha

    Why are you always hungry? Are you drinking enough water? Like everyone said before set realistic goals, it's not a race. This needs to be a lifestyle change for you and you need to set yourself up for success.

    Do you weigh your food? When I first started I didn't and I was over estimating my calories! I was hungry all the time like you and about to give up until I bought my food scale and realized what I was doing.

    Good luck to you!!!

  • DorkyUnicorn
    DorkyUnicorn Posts: 14 Member
    Pre-logging the day before has helped me loads because I know if I don't have a plan and I get really hungry.. it'll get the best of me (especially if I'm out and about and take-out is an option).

    When I first started cutting calories, I felt hungry and craved things like crazy, but after a week or two, my stomach got used to not being near bursting full, though I still do crave stuff sometimes. It's not the best solution by far, but I started having a diet soda after lunch most days because it helps hold me over til dinner. If the hunger doesn't subside (and it's real growling hunger, not cravings), eat more satiating snacks with fat/protein to hold you over between meals.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Pre logging is a great idea for many people.

    One thing I have some of my clients do is to pre-log in the morning or the night before, and then make adjustments to it as things change.

    But that being said, if you are finding yourself substantially hungry all the time, there's likely something else that needs to change to remedy this.

    Could be that your calorie intake is too low.
    Could be that your protein intake is too low.
    Could be that your food selection needs to change so that you're eating foods that are higher in satiety.
    Could be meal timing/distribution, etc.

    Plenty of reasons, but anyway, extreme hunger shouldn't be the case.

    Mild to moderate acute hunger is something most people should learn to deal with but chronic hunger and extreme hunger are problematic under most conditions.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    I pre-log a lot, especially if I make a couple lunches for the week. HOWEVER, once you've been doing this long enough to know what an average day looks like, you can be more flexible and cycle through options last minute without feeling stuck.

    On a work day, I typically eat 1 slice of toast with a spread of some kind, a coffee (with 1 sweetener and 1/2 cup unsweetened cashew milk), and a banana for breakfast. Then a few hours before lunch I have a Kashi bar or a Special K Nourish bar and another 10 calorie coffee. Lunch is a lean meat sandwich, or a chicken and salsa wrap, or a chicken caesar salad, or a lean cuisine if I'm feeling lazy. Then a few 100 calorie snacks like Snappea Crisps, greek yogurt cups, a baggie of sliced apples mixed in with baby carrots. Dinner is usually free to be whatever I want it to be, because I always have room for 600 calories or more at the end of my day. Lately I like roasted veggies, 100g of salmon or chicken or pork loin, a few spoonfuls of rice... But I've succumbed and successfully worked McDonalds AND A&W into my calories a few times this month.

    I always feel nice and full. Sometimes I even have a snack left over, that I can delete out of my diary to make room for ice cream! Or cookies.

    My days off, I sleep in. So I get to enjoy a late brunch, with extra calories because I won't be eating two meals before dinner. Then a bigger dinner, or a treat. I don't feel deprived because I get PLENTY of the things I love :).

    The trick I guess is to prepare snacks and meals for work/school ahead of time and bring it all with you. I cook on my days off so there are always leftovers in my fridge, because I make the worst decisions when I've had a long day and cannot cope with the thought of going home to prepare an entire meal.

    And I mean, pre-logging means you don't forget what you ate ever. And it also helps you fit tons of food into your day without accidentally going over your goal.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I prelog a day in advance or the morning of to help me figure out what I need to bring with me from home, I stick to that because it's the food we paid for and that's it. No substitutions unless something awful happens to the food I packed. I opened my hard boiled eggs yesterday to find disgusting rubbery yolks and tossed them, but I went and bought ready cooked eggs from the store because that was the plan. Idk, without a plan I feel lost. I worry about what I can eat. With a log telling me what to have there's no stress and I just don't buy or log foods I don't like.

    But I have always meal planned, at least for dinners. The amounts are tentative until I eat, but logging dinner in the morning helps me make room during the day for the amounts I want to have. For example tomorrow is a special dinner of kraft macaroni and cheese because we are slowly eating up all the foods with dairy and gluten in the house. To make room for that I will likely need to avoid my granola bar snacks that are heavy in carbs. Pre logging my food helps me see where to make changes to make a bigger bowl of Mac fit into my calories.