new moms/pregnant ladies?

Hi all! looking for some mom friends on here to have something in common with :) I'm currently 27 weeks with #3. With my first i gained 35lbs and lost 45lbs by the time he was about 5 months old, with #2 i gained 64lbs and i lost all but 10lbs by the time he was 6 months and i held on to that last 10lbs until i got pregnant with this one. after #1 i felt awesome, understandably, i was down 25lbs in 2 weeks and the next 10 came off about a month later. I was cocky about how quick I could lose baby weight when it came to #2 and since he didnt nap until he was 10 months old and still waking 3-4 times a night i was much too tired to bother finding time for exercise. I got pregnant with #3 a couple weeks before #2's first birthday, which is just when i was getting back into my groove of healthy eating and exercising so needless to say a pregnancy was slightly discouraging. I've gained about 14lbs so far...more than I would have liked but not excessive, i'm on here to keep my weight gain on track, and hopefully once baby comes i will have better habits so that i can get rid of my baby weight easier than last time! :) anyone feel free to add me, i love the extra motivation!


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I just discovered I am pregnant, due in June.
    Add me, I would love to have pregnant buddies :)
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    Just had baby #2 and back at my weight loss grind gained 50 pounds!!! :(