Macronutrient Info Needed / Help

Hello, new to this and learning. Wondering if MN are VITAL and if so I have read SOOO much varying info about break up. If your a nutritionist or body builder will you look at my logs? Im 6'0 291 looking to drop 70lbs. I work out every morning 5am for 1.5 hours. First weights, then elliptical or treadmill. I don't cheat. Any advice or help regarding MN or how to get this body's metab going PLEASE post. Thank You


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Macronutrients -- particularly protein and fat -- are vital. You can't live without them. Are you asking if hitting a certain percentage is vital for weight loss?
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    You'll need your diary open for people to look at your logs! My Home -> Settings -> Diary Settings, scroll to the Diary Sharing, change to public.