Scan BarCode

I saw someone scan a bar code on there phone and it uploaded the nutrition info how do you do that? I have the my fitness pal app on my phone but I don't see it....


  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Mine doesn't work on my iPad for some reason but its in the add food section.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    it works on my Android phone. there's a bar code icon next to the search box.
  • moms0211
    moms0211 Posts: 64
    I have an android too - I will see if I can find that thank you :)
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Just make sure you still check the info, sometimes it is wrong!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Just make sure you still check the info, sometimes it is wrong!

    This happened to me before
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Don't you actually have to download the barcode on its own? cause this is what ive done lol ive got Android also.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    click on diary. add food, breakfast or dinner or whatever, tab search for food apears..and its there just on the right side, little blue bar code sign.