Wedding weight loss panic

Hi Guys,

I'm Jay from the UK, and I'm getting married in a year and want to lose as much weight as possible. I also want to lose it because I'm unhappy and would like to maintain it.



  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    Welcome Jay! You've come to the right place to be successful. The website is wonderful and everyone here is extremely motivating. Feel free to add me as a friend; the more the merrier. Much luck and success to you! Oh yeah, Congrats!!
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173

    I'm getting married in November...about 2 weeks ago I ended my month of near constant nightmares about being fat at my wedding and not fitting into the dress. I ended the nightmares by joining this site, exercise, and weighing/measuring my food. Now I don't worry about fitting into my dress, I feel better about myself, and I sleep a whole bunch better (probably for 2 reasons :-)!
  • Darling_Jay
    Thanks for the welcome... It does seem like a very motivating place which is exactly what I need, a kick up the *kitten*! I know what you mean about wedding nightmares, it's all I seem to think about at the moment, even though I'm sure my fiance wouldn't care how I looked, I just want to look at the pictures when I'm older happy and proud :)

  • Shy1979
    Shy1979 Posts: 75
    Welcome to this site. I lost a few pound prior to joining this side, but ever since I joined I been loosing steadily. his site is awesome! You can do it, no doubt about it!
  • Darling_Jay
    I'm interested to know what it is about this site that really works? is it the support from other people, hints and tips? or is it the food planner / calorie counter?

  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    :flowerforyou: Welcome!

    You will have lots of help here to lose the weight you want to lose. Everyone on here is very helpful and friendly. Its great to have friends to talk to that are trying to do the same as we are, lose or maintain our weight and get healthier.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176

    I'll be getting wed in 2012, i want to be back into UK size 10 not size 18! (After having my girls)

    This website is helpful. Enjoy.
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    Hey Jay! I'm also about a year out from a wedding and trying to lose about 70lbs. I started this a while ago and lost around 40ish, but fell off the wagon. Now I'm back on and losing again! Make sure to set up mini goals, they really help. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can help motivate eachother, and you can check out my profile and see the mini goals I set to give you an idea of what I'm talking about! Congrats on joining! Here we go!
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    I get everything you listed from the site: Tips/hints, calorie counting, support (I really need the support!), and the best: seeing people's before and afters! :-)
  • AlishaLeandra
    Welcome!! You've come to the right place!
    I'm getting married in about 9 months, and my goal is to lose 40 lbs. I've lost 8 lbs in my first month on this site (exercising & counting calories).
    Don't stress about it. PERSISTENCE is key!
  • Shy1979
    Shy1979 Posts: 75
    For me it is the combination of several things. My friends that support me, reading other peoples success stories, being able to track my calories and also the tracking of exercise. If I have a couple of awesome workouts and stay within my calories and then I see a pound lost on the scale, it reassures me that I'm doing good.
  • Darling_Jay
    You're all so kind, I can see why it's a great support system! :)

  • kendra520
    kendra520 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to the site!!!. A good workout dvd is Jilian Michael's 30 day shred. You can loose up to 20 pounds in 30 days...I havent started it yet because I am waiting for my dvd to arrive. There are alot of supporting members on this site and u will do great...Congrats on your wedding and good luck on your weightloss journey.