Two Major challenges

As I've begun the endeavor to lose weight, there are many challenges that lie ahead of me. Least of all, my age, and current weight. However, in typical fashion, I simply power through it.
The two major obstacles that face each of us trying to lose a few pounds are: 1) Portion Sizes, and 2) Soda. It was not until I started using MyFitnessPal to track everything I ate, that it has really struck me how adding "just a little bit more" affected your daily caloric intake. I don't know about you, but I was shocked. Although serving sizes are identified on the box in the nutrition section, I guess it never surfaced that many of the foods I enjoyed, I should have enjoyed in moderation.
I was a two liter bottle of Soda kind of guy when I started, however, I was going nowhere, if not, I was gaining weight. But going to lemonade, I've cut the calories in half. Yes, I know, I should drink water. I don't like a lot of plain water. Due to the fact I don't like it as my sole beverage, I typically wound up drinking more soda anyways, therefore, I have found, drinking lemonade helped me get past this.
Anyway, those are my thoughts, feel free to share yours.


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Main struggles for me were week-long PMS and ovulation binges - which I justified because 'hormonal', and weekend off-plan.

    I thought I had them both under control but since Xmas I went on medication which made me ravenous and I guess I stopped tracking my cycle too. I gained 2lbs- not a lot but enough to put me on notice that it's easy to slip up when you are in maintenance. A little extra at a party or on a lazy Sunday morning (or a cookie with my cup of tea) can easily put you over maintenance calories if you don't compensate elsewhere- and it all adds up, little by little. Vigilance will be the key for me- and a bit of realism and will power
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    My buggest hurdles were/are (a) understanding what a "portion" is, and re calibrating my brain to that; and (b) lying to myself or nationalizing a treat here, a cookie there, a drink here, just a few chips there . . . It all adds up!

    Weighing and measuring and logging logging logging keeps me honest on both counts!