Losing weight on my arms

I really want to slim my arms down, I'm finding it hard to buy clothes, tops i'be tried on lately fit or some are big in the body but really tight in the arms??


  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce. You just have to lose weight and eventually it will come off the arms.
  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    Gutted as most tops look silly being baggy in the body and tight on the arms, oh well just hope my arms start to lose the weight next lol
  • forthemovies
    forthemovies Posts: 14 Member
    It will eventually come off as you lose weight. Try some nice tank tops that flatter your waist and pair them with a cardigan or jacket/blazer where you can go up a size without adding bulk on your midsection. You could also have your shirts taken in on the body (depending on the material of course).