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I Need some encouragement and some challenges

Anyone that could give me a little push to help me along with my goals and accountability for what I'm doing


  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
  • angawilson
    angawilson Posts: 227 Member
    I need a push too.......we can do this.
  • Katiesuelulu71
    Katiesuelulu71 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I need support too - let's talk about our challenges & offer ideas/support...

    I've been logging food consistently & exercising on average 5-6 days/wk for the last month. I'm happy about the exercise but I seem to use it as an excuse to go over my calorie goal - part of it is the app tells me I have more calories but I know if I just stick to the regular calorie goal I will get results much faster...anyone else fall into this trap? I tend to want to binge at night...I hate being out of control, I'm so ready to have the health & body that I want. Thanks for any ideas/support...
  • angawilson
    angawilson Posts: 227 Member
    I'm back on track with my walking and water, but I can't seem to get my food logged into my food dairy . I know that I have to do all 3 in order to lose.
    One day at a time. ...
    I hope each of you are doing great!