New job. Should I change activity level?

MyWeigh94 Posts: 28 Member
So for the past year I have not had a job. And I just got a full time job as a cashier at a grocery store, and will be standing all day, I currently have my activity level set at sedentary because all I do is sit all day. I have a fitbit. And I get about 2 to 5k steps per day. Should I change it to lightly active? Or how to I tell.


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    If your FitBit is synced and changing your calories based on activity, it shouldn't matter what your activity level is set at here.
  • freakymistkd
    freakymistkd Posts: 586 Member
    Do you have your fitbit synced to mfp?