Exercise logging questions

Hi there,

I've been logging food and exercise for about 4 months now and wondered if anyone an help me regarding logging exercise.

I'm slightly concerned that the calories against the exercises are over estimated.
I've been logging Pilates classes as, for example, 45 minutes, if they were an hour long because some of the time is taken with explaining the positions etc. I also knock off time for swimming. So if I've swum for 1 hour I'll only log it as 45 minutes. Do others do this too? Is it more accurate?

Also does anyone know why Pilates is listed under cardio? I think it's a strength exercise.

Thanks all


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    The strength exercise listing is only to log sets/reps of what you did. Logging it under cardio is how you get the calories burned estimation.

    The only way to determine if how you log your exercise works is to judge your weight loss over 3-4 weeks. If you're on track, then it works if not, adjust the times up or down.
  • mappeal67
    mappeal67 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you. That's really helpful.