What do you look for???



  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    What are the top 5 things you look for in a fitness club?

    If you don't normally use fitness clubs, what would a club have to offer you to get you to give them a shot?

    * Cleanliness
    ** Price
    *** Location
    **** Hours (24 hours/7 days a week)
    ***** And If they are packed all the time I refuse to go. Nothing worse than waiting for a machine. Seriously.

    And I would be willing to pay top dollar to have a place to go to that wasn't overly crowded all the time. I'm checking into that actually now because Planet Fitness is busy all the time..no matter what time I go in there, and I dislike having to wait for a machine.

    And honestly a seperate place for women only. I feel awkward enough around women, add men to that mix and I don't even like to go at all. I went to an all womans gym and I didn't mind it being semi-crowded... but when you add men into the mix I get anxiety and panic attacks. I know... don't say it. I'm just saying that a section for the women to go off on their own would be nice... if some women don't mind working with men, go for it, but to the women that DO mind, it would help them out and help them feel comfortable...I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.

    It isn't easy being 240 lbs... depressed... have self esteem issues... and then go to the gym to help yourself feel better and have people stare at you as if you were shamoo coming for a swim. (okay so maybe they DON'T think that, but my point is it is HARD for some of us obese women to get over our fear of working out in front of others... so making it with other women, even if they were thinner, is less stressful) Just saying.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    1. Enough squat and power racks so that I don't have to wait to do barbell curls
    2. Clean mirrors so I can see how awesome I look with doing quarter squats with five plates on the bar
    3. Bathroom clean enough that I would actually consider using it instead of cutting my workout short and going home.
    4. Hot chicks. Smoking hot chicks. And in the free weight section. So awkward when I have to follow them to the classes and stare thru the glass.
    5. Dumbbells that go up to 120 so that when I drop them you can be impressed by the noise from across the room

    Omg.... LMAO!!!!!!!!!
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I just like those hard core old school dirty ones with a janitor mopping who's missing teeth....
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    I wouldn't go to a gym or fitness club at all. I have a treadmill, elliptical machine, 5 lb. and 8 lb. dumbbells, exercise DVDs, a hot tub, and a farm where I get to deadlift 40 to 70 lb. hay bales and 50 lb. feed sacks, and I don't have to drive the 12 miles into town or pay a fee. So no, a gym has nothing to offer me. I'd feel guilty to pay to use a facility that I'd only find time for once a month or so.

    Then why reply at all?

    LOL! To make us city folk who don't have all that wonderful natural environment jealous! Her set-up sounds great, and I'm envious! Wish I were still on the farm:cry::flowerforyou:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I wouldn't go to a gym or fitness club at all. I have a treadmill, elliptical machine, 5 lb. and 8 lb. dumbbells, exercise DVDs, a hot tub, and a farm where I get to deadlift 40 to 70 lb. hay bales and 50 lb. feed sacks, and I don't have to drive the 12 miles into town or pay a fee. So no, a gym has nothing to offer me. I'd feel guilty to pay to use a facility that I'd only find time for once a month or so.

    thanks for stopping by
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks ALL for your input...much appreciated.