May 2016 Running Challenge



  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member

    Or do this....

    First thing I saw when I opened the thread. Seriously laughed outloud.

    We're starting the day mid-70s with high humidity so whatever run I do will be "warm".
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member

    Or do this....

    First thing I saw when I opened the thread. Seriously laughed outloud.

    We're starting the day mid-70s with high humidity so whatever run I do will be "warm".

    I laughed out loud as well.
    Please don't! @MNLittleFinn

    My daughter is in NYC and she commented that her run was HOT and I said "what?! Hot?"
    Then when I checked, it was warmer in NYC than Orlando this morning. Weird weather.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY
    5/2 6.2 miles - 6.2 << Taper and cutback week. 5K race Wednesday morning
    5/3 6.2 miles - 12.4
    5/4 4.4 miles - 16.8 << PEO-AVN 5K Fun Run (was only 2.9 miles; plus 1.5 w/u)
    5/4 3.1 miles - 19.9 << got some extra miles squeezed in
    5/5 7.5 miles - 27.4
    5/6 4 miles - 31.4
    5/7 REST DAY << Sick +daughter's birthday party
    5/8 REST DAY
    5/9 9 miles - 40.4 << Madkin Mountain (634 ft elev gain)
    5/9 4 miles - 44.4 << Daily Double
    5/10 8.3 miles - 52.7
    5/10 4 miles 56.7 << Daily Double
    5/11 6.2 miles - 62.9
    5/12 9 miles - 71.9
    5/13 6.4 miles - 78.3
    5/14 17 miles - 95.3
    5/15 REST DAY
    5/16 8 miles - 103.3
    5/16 5 miles - 108.3 << Daily Double
    5/17 9 miles - 117.3
    5/17 4 miles - 121.3 << Daily Double
    5/18 6.2 miles - 127.5
    5/19 9 miles - 136.5
    5/20 6.2 miles - 142.7
    5/21 18 miles - 160.7
    5/22 REST DAY
    5/23 9 miles - 169.7
    5/23 4 miles - 173.7 << Daily Double
    5/24 9 miles - 182.7
    5/24 4 miles - 186.7 << Another Daily Double
    5/25 6.2 miles - 192.9
    5/26 9 miles - 201.9


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i use body glide @mnlittlefinn
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @MNLittleFinn My husband tried the nip guards. They are a bit expensive and do fall off. He's found round Band-Aids to work fine. But they can sweat off too. Seriously, idk why you guys would run in a shirt in the heat. Someone once suggested cheap deodorant. Good luck.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited May 2016
    If you are cheap like me, you can use roll-on deoderant. I find the dollar-store kind to be the most cost effective.

    EDITED: LOL That would have been me @Elise4270
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited May 2016
    Orphia wrote: »
    Some days I want to run easy, some days try for a PB.

    The other stuff confuses me.

    This makes me happy.
    I think the whole point of this running addiction ... madness ... stuff is to make us happy. Sometimes we're happy when we're running, and sometimes we're happy when we stop running. :smiley:
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    My daughter is in NYC and she commented that her run was HOT and I said "what?! Hot?"
    Then when I checked, it was warmer in NYC than Orlando this morning. Weird weather.
    My son is teaching in Japan, and he reported that one of their (jr. high age) students passed out (heat stroke?) in the assembly yesterday - it was 80 degrees. OTOH - he's from Georgia, and so he was in a full suit and feeling fine.

    'Round here, it's been warm-to-hot and muggy (typical Georgia weather for a third of the year), so I've been successful in forcing myself to run in adverse conditions to prep for the Peachtree 10K in July.... Not saying I've been fast. Or "not walking." But I've been out there.
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    Two questions for the [strike]mudloving lunatics[/strike] experienced trail runners around:

    - What do you do when the trail crosses a creek that is too wide to jump over and doesn't have any handy stepping stones either? a) be bada$$ about it and just run through the water, or b) take of your shoes and socks before wading through?
    I chose option a today; but mostly due to the fact that I only thought of option b when I was already ankledeep in cold water :p Not that spending the next hour running in soaking wet socks and shoes wasn't fun, but running in slightly less drenched footwear might have been nice as well...

    - In the description of a few trail races I looked at (just out of curiosity ^^), there were sometimes mentions of weather poles were forbidden/allowed/required. I'm guessing they would be a tool for steep climbs and descents, but I'm not sure how you'd run with them or when you would use them. Do any of you have experience with those things?


    I wouldn't necessarily call myself an "experienced trail runner," but I do enjoy a good trail run, and I wish I had some more serious trails to run that are closer than a half-hour drive away (not including tourism traffic). I have, however, done quite a few 10K trails runs, and one 25K trail run that turned into more like a super-grueling hike with a little jogging (check this out: Hyner View Trail Challenge).

    As far as the water crossing goes, just run straight through it. With good trail runners and wool/tech socks, your feet will dry out in no time. During a race, the water crossings tend to back up with people trying to hop rocks across, which I find super annoying. I never considered taking my shoes and socks off, but I feel like that would be more work than it's worth. Also, during races, running straight through automatically put me ahead of well over 20 people, so that's definitely a plus!

    Poles: I have never used them, but there were quite a few people on the Hyner run that were using them. For that race, I could definitely see where they would come in handy, but I don't think I'd want to carry them around with me for the 1K or so where I could use them. I did actually discuss them with a few people during the race. Some swore by them, some decided they were a pain to lug around and not worth it. I feel like poles are definitely a personal preference thing.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member

    Sode note, chafing nipples suck....first time that's happened to's going to be a long day now.

    @mnlittlefinn I use the round band-aids as pasties whenever I have a run over 6 miles. I thought about just manning up and letting the nips chafe & bleed, hoping to develop protective scars, but I'm not there yet. Every once in a while I'll forget I have my nips covered and will take off my shirt during a run. I get a few odd stares, which makes it all worth it. Find something. You don't want to be this guy:


    @poppetsmaster, that Trail Toes stuff kicks *puppies*!! I used it for the first time during my marathon, on my toes and chafy bits. When I got home I threw my Body Glide away.
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    Goal of 75 Miles for May

    5/2 – 5.73 Mi
    5/4 – 5.56 Mi
    5/7 – 7.67 Mi
    5/8 – 5.60 Mi
    5/10 – 5.67 Mi
    5/12 – 5.86 Mi
    5/15 – 6.62 Mi
    5/17 – 5.60 Mi
    5/21 – 6.63 Mi
    5/24 – 5.59 Mi

    Progress toward Goal 60.53 / 75
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5/1 - Rest day after HM to finish April. Another ugly, rainy day.
    5/2 - 4.25 miles.
    5/3 - 3.1 miles. Quick 5k while my daughter had soccer practice.
    5/4 - 4.53 miles. Cool, pleasant morning run. Mostly base pace, but last mile tempo.
    5/5 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class).
    5/6 - 4.47 miles. Base pace.
    5/7 - 4.84 miles, Market to Market Relay Leg 4
    - 4.01 miles, Market to Market Relay Leg 11
    5/8 - Planned rest day
    5/9 - Unplanned rest day
    5/10 - 5.17 miles
    5/11 - Misty, foggy 5.01 miles
    5/12 - 4.31 miles.
    5/13 - 3.1 miles on treadmill, plus weights/abs
    5/14 - 6 miles. Abbreviated 10k. Ran first 5k with my daughter...her 1st! Then 2nd loop in what would have been a 5k PR. Had so much fun!
    5/15 - 9.02 miles. Gorgeous afternoon!
    5/16 - Planned rest day.
    5/17 - 4.39 miles. Cool, pleasant, misty morning.
    5/18 - Unplanned rest day
    5/19 - 4.8 miles on treadmill (Trek class), then weights
    5/20 - 5.09 pleasant miles. Negative splits.
    5/21 - 11.04 mile long run
    5/22 - Day of baseball
    5/23 - Unplanned rest day. First cold of the "summer".
    5/24 - Another missed run due to illness. Ugh!! Head is so full of goop, I think I would get dizzy if I ran.
    5/25 - And another day missed.
    5/26 - And another! I am starting to get concerned that I will have to miss the HM I have scheduled for June 4. Anyone have advice for making sure I can do it without killing myself if I miss any more days?

    @MNLittleFinn, @7lenny7, @poppetsmaster, @AdrianChr92 - I would like to offer advice, but I have never had even the slightest issue with this. I think it is one of the side benefits of losing a lot of weight and being left with saggy nipples are in totally the wrong spot, so they don't chafe on my shirt when I run! Perhaps TMI, but the truth. I shared this with my 10 year-old twins (one boy, one girl) who are just beginning to run for fitness a little and they laughed hysterically after responding "Daaaadd! That's gross!"
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @karllundy-How has your training been up to this point? June 4th is not that far away. If you have been training properly throughout, a few missed days near the end of your training cycle will not matter. In fact, the additional rest may even have a positive impact. This is not your first HM, correct?
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    @karlundy... you ran 11 miles 5 days ago... you are fine.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @karllundy-How has your training been up to this point? June 4th is not that far away. If you have been training properly throughout, a few missed days near the end of your training cycle will not matter. In fact, the additional rest may even have a positive impact. This is not your first HM, correct?

    Nope. In fact, I just ran one the end of April.

    Thanks @PoppetsMaster. Just a little freaked out.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    5/26 - 6 miles

    79 of 100 miles

    21 Miles to go. Gonna to close.

    Way behind on reading. We are away at Allen's daughters graduation. Hard run today we are on Fort Rucker and it's all long upgrades and hills. Skip killed it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2016
    @karllundy haha! I think most of us have that doubt right up to the morning of the race. I have it on training runs and have to remind myself I've run 13 miles 3 times, I can surely run 4-6 without crying about it ;-) You got this. When that negative talk starts, counter with a mantra. "I'm strong, I'm trained, I can do this" or some such badassery.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    @karllundy - I agree, you're going to be totally fine for that half! You're just taking your taper very seriously. :smiley:
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I'm glad I don't have to worry about bleeding nipples. I do, however, have something else to worry about, and that's GIGANTIC BOUNCING BOOBS. Gotta rein those puppies in. I can't even think about running if I'm not wearing the right bra. (That's how I've been preventing myself from running too much. If I'm on a non-running day, I don't wear my sports bra out on the walk, so I'm not tempted to run.)