Newbie to My Fitness Pal

js402 Posts: 2 Member
So ready for a change. I have been trying off and on for a long time to ditch the extra weight. I need to find something and actually stick with it. I'm in my mid 40's and work full-time. I also am in school for my bachelor's degree. I'm married, but no kids.

I enjoy treadmill walking and the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVD programs. I also have the Les Mills' Pump program. I have a heart rate monitor that tells me what my calorie burn is after a workout.

I have the tools, just need the motivation to use them. When I get home in the afternoon from work, I oftentimes have to study, then fix dinner for hubby and by the time all that gets done, I'm too tired to workout. I need to start getting up early in the morning and working out prior to going to work.

I'm hoping to connect with others here who have the same obstacles I have and get the motivation I need - or suggestions on how others make this fitness thing happen for them.

Good luck to all who are taking part in this same struggle with me - let's work together and keep each other motivated!


  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! First of all congrats on making big steps and making changes in your life. Second, congrats on going back to school! I did that last year and I know it's ALOT of work. I made the choice last year to change my life, too, and lost about 65lbs. I would love to be a support and follow your journey! Feel free to add me!