Hi from AL! Late intro, but better late than never?

Kiyoku Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I'm Kiyo aka Bre. I'm 26 and currently residing in AL with my fiancee and his family. I haven't gotten around to using the message boards on here and I figured maybe it would help me to get more into my routine a bit better if I started some communication with the community. So, here's a little about me, my goals, and what I've done so far.

I'm socially awkward (irl especially).
I love to cook, and I'm trying to get into healthier options when it comes to our favorite meals.
I enjoy writing (romance), just got a new kitty for my birthdaiy (April 19th), and otherwise really like to play some online games. I lovelovelove anime and watching some tv shows like Reign, The 100, Salem, and The Vikings (just recently got into Salem and The Vikings, though - so far so good). Apart from that I do some basic chores around the house and exercise (lightly for now).

I started my workout journey about a year ago, but I haven't taken it really seriously.
I've lost about 11 pounds on here since I've been using myfitnesspal, but prior to that I had lost 20 - partly due to being sick and partly due to actually watching my diet and exercising.
I will admit, I am having some trouble with counting calories.
I've tried meal planning, but we have 5 people living here and we all eat the food.
It's hard to keep track of what is here and what isn't. You know?
So if anyone has some tips for that then by all means.
I don't really eat a lot, but it's the type of food we get sometimes.
i.e. chinese, mexican, or even subway (that can really count up!)

My goals... I would really like to lose at least 42 more pounds. That would be back to my lightest adult weight which is 180. I remember feeling a lot better about myself at that point and even that is more than I should weigh for my height. Is it really necessary to shoot for what is considered a normal BMI or is a bit more totally fine? Because I can't remember the last time I weighed 130 pounds. I don't even think it would be possible, and I'm also not sure I'd feel comfortable being that light. I just want to be "fit" and be able to do simple things like go for long walks, maybe hike a little, feel better about my body, and be able to do some sports for fun (i.e. volleyball, maybe soccer). Just... overall be able to be more mobile and enjoy life from a different viewpoint - outside rather than stuck inside on the computer all day. Also to improve on my confidence and my socializing skills.

Anyway, sorry for the really long post. I hope to meet some nice people who are easy to talk to, and maybe we can just talk and be some support for each other (or inspiration is good too!). It would be cool if some are local-ish, but it isn't necessary. Just message me if you'd like and we can see where we go from there. If we're just not each other's type of person, that's alright too. Not everyone is for everybody. :)