Step Counters Work!!

As we all know in our journeys, one thing that works for one person, may not work for you. But there is one tried and true methods to weight loss, in the words of King Julian, "You gotta Move it, Move It!" 55lbs ago, I started with Nutrition because garbage in, garbage out and 20lbs later, I started to stand more at work! I began to integrate High knees (marching in place) at my desk, aiming for 1 min 100 reps. Then adding in leg lifts and then the dreaded plateau hit.
I began reading and tweaking things, but it wasn't until I added in my STEP counter (FITBIT HR) that I really began to become a little more educated about what I was really doing and the calories I was burning in this journey. But the key to using one of these wonderful things is first HONESTY, about your weight and what you are really eating. Second is testing to make sure you are getting false step counts from hand movements. (I have tested my FITBIT and found that it is hard to cheat.)
I have integrated in side steps and found that my step counter doesn't count them, unless I move my arms like I am walking.
The last thing is, there is a calorie gap between Myfitness pal and my FITBIT. I tend to eat according to what my FITBIT tells me, but I use MYFITNESSPAL to log my food. It took me a year to tweek things and realize I actually have to eat my exercise back or my calorie deficit was TOO DEEP. (Some days 1200 calories).
Using the two systems may seem counter intuitive to most, but it works for me. The take away here is that Moving and using ANY step counter works. It will just take testing and work on your part to figure out how to integrate this new tool into your journey. There are calorie calculators and TDEE calculators out there and you just need to find the one that you are going to use and stick with it. My preference is A CALCULATOR THAT BREAKS DOWN HOW MANY CALORIES FOR REST DAY AND WORKOUT DAY. 1PERCENTAGEDGE , IF CALCULATOR IS GOOD. This is called Intermittent Fast Calculator, but you don't have to follow the principals of IF to use this calculator. But if you Google TDEE calculators, please research and find one you are comfortable with.
Bottom line of all this, its tools and how you use them, BUT YOU GOTTA MOVE IT!


  • PiperGirl08
    PiperGirl08 Posts: 134 Member
    Congrats. I use a Polar device and it submits adjustments to mfp based on activity throughout the day.