Relationships and Weight Loss?



  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited May 2016
    As others have said, relationships can affect activity levels and food choices, but it still comes down to inner-motivation.

    I have always had an interest in fitness during relationships, but it also meant eating disorders in my teens and early twenties. In those relationships, only one boyfriend didn't care much about his appearance (although towards the end, he would work out with me). Ironically, it was this boyfriend that my disordered eating was the most out of control.

    With my husband now, we workout together, including weight lifting, and mostly eat the same meals. He is very supportive of the fact that I do this to be healthy and fit instead of just skinny.
  • rhetoricalliz
    rhetoricalliz Posts: 4 Member
    Relationships are what I attribute my success to. Now I'm not just talkin my sweetie, but the support I receive from my fellow Weight Watchers meeting members, my gym group of ladies, my trainer, my social media people, friends, family & last, but not least, my wonderful husband. They keep me accountable and encouraged. Apparently it takes a village to lose this weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My wife and I are both into health and fitness and nutrition so things tend to go pretty smoothly. We're both lean, healthy, and fit people and enjoy doing those things that keep us that way.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    My relationships have never helped or hurt my weight loss..but my weight loss certainly has changed my relationships.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I was at my goal weight when I met my husband. I worked out regularly and ate a bizarre diet of chips with hummus and fruit and cheese. Started out maintaining and he lost 20 lbs from my healthy cooking. A year later I went through some issues and the workouts dwindled, the quick foods increased as did my weight. Went on medication I knew would make me gain but for sanity's sake I took it. 50 pounds up a year later. Husband up 30. I had to get my life and my weight under control. Husband was completely supportive as I went to weigh watchers where I am a lifetime member, lost 80 lbs in the late 90s and became a leader. Didn't work for me this time, so after trying on my own with little success I went to a medical weight loss program. Turned out I'm insulin resistant and need to eat low carb in order to lose weight. Who knew? Changed my diet. Food in the house is different now. There are carbs here for my husband but I don't eat them and there are no longer starches served at dinner. He supports me 100% in my efforts in diet and even more in exercise. He's even thinking of exercising himself.