Ongoing journey

Hi all,

My name's Lance, a 29 year old Australian guy who is currently in the middle of a weight loss journey. After a childhood of being overweight, and many false starts over the years MFP has given me the best shot at, not only losing weight, but maintaining the weight loss that I have ever had.

I haven't really been engaged with the community yet, mostly because I thought I was destined for failure yet again, but having seen the results I have achieved so far I now want to become more engaged with other MFP members and push through the last few steps of my weight loss.

I started MFP at my heaviest over a year ago at 141kg. In March of last year I got a personal trainer and spent upwards of a couple of thousand dollars in gym memberships and PT sessions and lost around 10kg, but, like most other weight loss things I have tried I was constantly miserable and gave it up after a few months.

At the start of this year I decided I was going to head overseas for two years on a working holiday visa and made a commitment to losing at least a little weight before heading over. At that stage I was approximately 130kg. My goal was to be under 110kg before I went to my parents place to stay with them for a couple of months before heading overseas and to be at 95kg (the top end of a healthy BMI for my height) by the time I actually flew out.

I am currently sitting at around 108kg and due to head down to my parents place in a couple of days and I feel great having hit my first goal. Now the second is looming and another goal I set myself comes in to effect. I told myself that, once I got down to my parents place I would switch from just calorie control, to combining calorie control with bodyweight workouts to start toning up this flabby body!


Apologies for the long introduction. Look forward to making friends with everyone and getting help on my journey, and maybe helping some others on theirs.


  • blonde_passion
    blonde_passion Posts: 58 Member
    Lance, what an wonderful and inspiring journey you're on. You are sure to motivate lots on here and it's great to hear you are ready to let others on here join your journey! Huge congrats on reaching your first goal!! I'm sure it'll be the first of many. This community is incredibly supportive. I've only been on here a little less than a week but it gives an extra splash of motivation to see posts in your newsfeed of others crushing their goals too. Welcome to the community :) Hope you don't mind if I add you!
  • lanceheyen
    lanceheyen Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the kind words and the add blonde! I'm spending the morning going through so many great stories of people on their journeys.