where to start? how about breakfast....



  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    ALso if you dont like most breakfast foods you dont need to eat breakfast.

    I have coffee in the morning and eat a snack a bit later.

    I happen to like having more calories later in the day.

    works for me.:smile:
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Psst... Pancakes and waffles have eggs in them! Nothing wring with pancakes, just make your own and try upgrading a bit. I make a regular buttermilk or yogurt based pancake batter, substitute some ( about half) the flour with rolled oats, refrigerate overnight and cook in the am. Add some fresh berries and you have a great breakfast food ( make a double batch and freeze the leftovers).
  • oldbitty
    oldbitty Posts: 12
    yes i know they have egg in them. guess i should have been more pin point. i can eat eggs, just don't like the taste of a big mouth full of eggs. i've tried. trust me, i've tried every which way to mask them, but if the main part is egg, i just can't choke it down. they are squishy. it's a texture thing. same with the protein shakes. they are too thin and i simply can't do it. as far as yogurt. i can choke down almost a full cup. but it isn't a pleasant thing for me to do. i want to be happy when i eat.

    oh and lookie there. do i got my first troll? awesomesause!!

    i am loving all the good info. and yes i am stalking your food diaries. so helpful. some of you eat crazy stuff LOL
  • MorganRae14
    i'm new here, and i am in the starting planning phase of my weight loss. i used to be very active, as i was in the army. but a broken leg and 3 babies later, and well... you know that old story. truth is, food is yummy! i'm a picky eater but i love the taste of junk food. i need help. i need ideas. i can't keep eating waffles and pancakes for breakfast. anyone out there want to take some time to help me out? i'm real outspoken and would need someone with a no BS attitude.

    I think that waffles and pancakes for breakfast are not necessarily a big deal if you are getting in enough exercise and staying within your calorie goals overall for the day. I think the bigger issue is what you are putting ON the pancakes/waffles. Maple syrup seems like it could add a lot of calories to that meal quickly.

    I just started using MFP again recently, and my typical breakfast is an Isagenix Shake at 270 calories or Greek Yogurt with fruit. In your case, the key is going to be keeping an open mind and rolling the dice with your kids to try new veggies/fruits and find something that works for you. :) Good luck!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    i love to bake so i will check out that recipe RM10003

    You can vary that one up with different kinds of fruit--I've also found all sorts of different flavor versions floating around, my husband was particularly fond of the pineapple coconut one I made. I hear you on the baking, I love it too so I'm just trying to figure out healthier ways of doing it. I've become a Pinterest addict since I started on MFP....
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    HI! I'm new here too, and I was especially happy to read Crank....'s post, because if I were to eat an oatmeal breakfast, I'd have to drag my belly around in a wheelbarrow for the rest of the day. I have 2 rib sticking cups of delicious coffee with stevia and reduced fat 1/2 and 1/2.

    Over the years of gaining/losing/gaining/losing/gaining etc. i've learned this about myself- I am NOT a breakfast eater.

    My plan, which I have devised BY myself, FOR myself, is a super nutritious meal between 5pm and 7pm. I eat no sugar except what is naturally in mixed berries, no salt except what is in egg whites, no grain (none!) and no dairy.

    I've lost almost 25 pounds and feel terrific. My advice- find out for yourself why losing weight is critical to your happiness/welfare, then search out the steps you must take to achieve your intention, then search out what you must do to take those steps, then DO IT! Not easy perhaps, but definitely simple.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Here is my bread "saver"..... Walmart has wraps in their deli dept. They are Josephs flax and oat bran wraps and a FULL size sheet is 100 cals and a single serve is half of that.. They are absolutely wonderful, taste great. I make a breakfast wrap, lunch sandwich, AND the best part--I have made manicotti AND lasagna with them and my family did NOT even know they were eating FAKE noodles. I use a couple of them and cut them into squares, spray them with olive oil and celery salt and toast them in the oven, flip and toast again. They make great chips with hummus OR a great snack to take to the movie. THIS above all else has gotten me into my diet phase