A short Introduction

I first want to say a BIG thank you to the whole community for being beyond inspiring and encouraging through their personal journeys. I spent a few hours on the boards and am so very impressed with the dedication, heart, and determination that comes forth from the personal journeys shared. I plan on reading more and finding that motivation and inspiration in others to carry on despite the challenges that may come up in my own life.

I just turned 42 and have a wonderful son and beautiful fiance. As it says in my profile, I did a workout program a couple years ago and lost about 45 lbs in 90 days, but soon after I returned to old habits which made it easy to gain most of the weight back. About 2 months ago, I finally realized that there were more battles to be fought than just the extra weight. I am a very emotional eater, with a love for the quick and easy meals and snacks. I took to the comfort food when stress piled up. I chose the easy way to find comfort, and yet I still knew that it was the worst thing to do. It is a vicious cycle that made me feel worse.

With my fiance undergoing experimental open heart surgery in the weeks that followed, I found myself falling into a depression that could be debilitating to every aspect of my life. I had to find the strength to do something, and that strength came from my desire to be as strong emotionally, and physically for my courageous fiance, and life every possible remaining moment with her through her recovery, and all the years to come afterwards. I could not take away from her battle by continuing down the path to my own heart issues, and possibly worse. I needed to fight with her, for her and for us through fitness for myself and in doing so, honor her courageous fight.

And yes the fact that I had just resigned myself to give away the skinny wardrobe I had purchased 2 years ago when I finished P90X, solidified the fact that I had to do something. Not in a week or a month, but now. I was going to have to buy a new wardrobe, one size bigger... That was not going to happen.

2 months ago, I bought Les Mills Combat. Best choice I made in such a long time. A week later I was so excited about sticking with it, I added to the tools I was using by purchasing a juicer. Second best choice I made.

Although there was a 2 week or so period when I couldn't function due to my fiance's surgery, I turned to fitness to help ease the emotional distress when I felt I could start again. All though the stress and emotions are still there, the time I use for fitness does so much to relieving and mitigating at least a portion of that.

So far I have lost 27 lbs as of my last weight check. I have about 12 to go, yet that is very much secondary to just being healthy in mind, body and spirit so that I can be fully there to support both of the people that matter the most to me in this world.

I guess that wasn't really short. Sorry about that. But again, this community seems like a great group of people and I hope to get to know some of you and offer my support and encouragement to make it that much better.