I've really confused myself

I've been over thinking all this calorie intake and calories burned etc.

My Question is, how many calories do I actually need? I'm 18, 6"4, 273 lbs. How do I determine what my basic caloric needs for the day are? The app sets it to 2430, do I need to be at that point? Or can I do my usual ~500-600 cals burned through exercise leaving my net calories at like 1800-1900? I really confused myself into this by trying to figure out the calculations for losing 3 lbs a week. Just losing the 2 lbs the for the week I need a deficit of 1000 cals per day. Is what the app sets it to already at the deficit? If I lowered it by another 500 would that equal the 3 lbs per week? Man I'm confused lol, going for a run to clear my head, will check replies when I get back, thanks in advance.

To clear up some stuff in there, say the goal is 2430. Is that where I need to be at after exercise and eating? Or can I eat to that point then burn say 500 more calories to get the 3 lbs per week burned? Or should I just lower it to 1930?


  • SCC86
    SCC86 Posts: 5
    The app sets the calories you need to eat in order to reach your goal of 2 lbs a week. It has already factored in the caloric deficit of 1000 calories a day to achieve that. It doesn't include calories you burn through working out. Any calories you burn from exercise should be added on to the calories you already need, so that your body can have enough fuel. Too few calories becomes counter productive, and causes your weight loss to become slower and can be unhealthy, so keep that in mind when trying to tweak your intake to lose more weight.