Interesting Article

I just read this article that tends to support the lift heavy crowd. I am going to reevaluate my exercise routine when I return to the states.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Only the 4th thread within 24 hours of the badly written nonsensical "article".............:huh:
    There truly is only one reason to exercise: To increase your metabolism in order to burn more calories 24 hours a day, seven days a week. What is the only style of exercise that accomplishes that goal? Strength training. Increasing your metabolism through strength training is the key to successful, permanent weight loss.

    So full of fail.........

    Having said that, every well rounded fitness program will contain elements of both strength and cardio - it's the dogmatic broscience that's offensive.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    There was another thread on this article yesterday. Yup, it's bunk. Bro-science of the first order.