Sulfite allergy

I just found out that I am allergic to sulfites. Is there a board or a discussion on here about them and how to avoid them?


  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I'm actually allergic to sulfur/sulfites/sulfates as well. After years of getting hives and no explanations for it, I finally had the allergy pinpointed this summer. Unfortunately they are present in MANY things. I'm not sure if they have topics on it here, but I'd be happy to help you in any way I can.
  • stephmofo
    stephmofo Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you, I just now saw your message. For me, its only the sulfites, the allergist said it was very rare and even rarer for nonasthmatics. I contacted an allergy asthma group and they forwarded my email to a doctor, he has been very helpful, he told me to avoid garlic powder since spices are usually from china and they often will add sulfiting agents without listing them. There is a lot of confusing stuff online about it, wine companies are constantly posting articles about how safe they are and some forums suggest onions, garlic ect.. have to be avoided so when I was diagnosed I was freaking out, now my eczema is gone and I never use steroid cream anymore, its amazing! How did you find out you had it?
  • katthouse499
    katthouse499 Posts: 50 Member
    Maxematics wrote: »
    I'm actually allergic to sulfur/sulfites/sulfates as well. After years of getting hives and no explanations for it, I finally had the allergy pinpointed this summer. Unfortunately they are present in MANY things. I'm not sure if they have topics on it here, but I'd be happy to help you in any way I can.

  • katthouse499
    katthouse499 Posts: 50 Member
    I am as well and have medical bracelet and eppie pen for this
  • stephmofo
    stephmofo Posts: 21 Member
    edited November 2016
    I still eat cheeses, but buy blocks of it and shred it myself to avoid potato starch. I use fresh parmesan and whole feta as well. I have been avoiding products with molasses, corn syrup, vinegar, corn starch and potato starch, which pretty much eliminates all processed foods.
    Do ya'll avoid foods that contain corn starch/syrup or only avoid them if a sulfite warning is listed? I also avoid all foods that have potato starch, vinegar, molasses, and dried spices or dehydrated spices unless they're organic, is this extreme or necessary for everyone?