Hiya MFP! :)

AJChenh Posts: 10 Member
So, uhm hi. *waves*

So, I've been trying to lose weight since I was like :grumble: ...okay well I've been trying to lose weight for forever. And after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism about two years ago, I all but gave up. In the beginning of the year, I took some photos with a friend and found myself to be massive. 46441515_3178.jpg
So, I started getting serious about it, and I now gone from not being able to run 30 seconds to running about 4 km four times a week. (Sometimes less depending on how motivated I am and how hot it is outside! Why so hot, sun?!) Overall, I've lost around 15 kg (33 lbs)! *little happy dance*.

46441515_6421.jpg (275 lbs) 46441515_2713.jpg (246 lbs)

That's all good an well, exceeept :embarassed: I just can't seem to get my diet under control. I'm an emotional eater, a bored eater, and a grazer...(It's just a LITTLE bit...it won't hurt. Until I eat a little bit again a little bit later...and again later. Adds up to a lot of calories at the end of the day.) I'd love to be able to get it all under control, yet I know that if I try to do it too fast and don't have any friends motivating me, it'll be hard.

Which leads me to here! Let's help each other get this weight off and keep the stinking stuff off!