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TMI - TOO MUCH INFORMATION (And it doesn't even have to be Tuesday!) ;)



  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member

    long or short hair on a woman?
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    No preference

    Last time you dreamt about sex with someone besides your SO
  • Greenmm92563
    Greenmm92563 Posts: 1,234 Member
    It's been a long time

    Music or no music while your doing it
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    Doesn't happen often so none lol, unless I'm alone haha

    Covered or uncovered getting freaky
  • Greenmm92563
    Greenmm92563 Posts: 1,234 Member

    Last dumb line some one used to try and pick you up ?
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    No one has tried to pick me up lol

    Last time a one nite stand ? If ever
  • Greenmm92563
    Greenmm92563 Posts: 1,234 Member

    Last time someone asked you to have a one night stand with them
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    College , 93 damn I'm old

    Last time you had sex with SO and solo time
  • Greenmm92563
    Greenmm92563 Posts: 1,234 Member
    With S/O can't even remember ... Solo well I think I'll keep that to myself lol

    Last embarrassing thing that happened to you
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Got my cousins husbands mixed up and introduced them wrong to a bunch of people.

    Do you pick your nose?
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    I answered the door neked thinking it was my wife who had just left, thinking she came back for the box of stuff she forgot, it was the UPS lady lol.

    Same question ;)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    im chopped liver here, will bow out
  • IndianaGolfer
    IndianaGolfer Posts: 16,220 Member
    im chopped liver here, will bow out

    It wasn't there when I posted sorry

    I clean it if need be yes lol

  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited June 2016
    tfrasur wrote: »
    I answered the door neked thinking it was my wife who had just left, thinking she came back for the box of stuff she forgot, it was the UPS lady lol.

    Same question ;)

    I literally did the same thing last year. Was wearing a towel and though it was my roommate knocking on the door. It was the UPS guy. I didn't know what to do, so I just acted like it was normal and signed for the package :joy: He distinctively avoided eye contact with me the whole time :joy:

    A more recent embarrassing thing though... I was in office hours a couple months ago (I teach college students), and I didn't realize that the black shirt I was wearing wasn't supposed to go through the washer, and as a result, had turned a bit translucent. After I got done meeting with a male student, he left, and I heard him say to another student waiting in the hall..."Her shirt is see through." O_O :astonished:

    Luckily I had a sweater in my office closet :joy:

    Same question...
  • DrewMarcy13
    DrewMarcy13 Posts: 5,819 Member
    I would have to say looking at the victory photo after Spartan Beast thinking I was smiling when in reality it looks like I just witnessed a lifetime's of tragedies all at once due to how tired I was.

    Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction at the gym?
  • Watchinherbackthistime
    Watchinherbackthistime Posts: 1,896 Member
    Yes my bra didn't fit right under my top so had to take it off which btw isn't good whilst in gym lol

    Have u ever been caught with ya pants down by a family member
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member

    HYE ,as a kid, walk in on your parents' while they were having sex?
  • Watchinherbackthistime
    Watchinherbackthistime Posts: 1,896 Member
    No was never allowed in their room although I did shout at my dad for hurting my mum Coz I heard them lol

    Same queation
  • Jgommie
    Jgommie Posts: 36 Member
    Twice....years apart, which I had managed to block from memory until reading that question.

    Most embarrassing thing that happened to you or you witnessed at work...