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TMI - TOO MUCH INFORMATION (And it doesn't even have to be Tuesday!) ;)



  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    The colors of the ocean. No clear favorite.

    Last time you made out in public?
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    This morning

    First sport you watched?
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Baseball probably, or golf.

    Have you ever had a stalker?
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member

    Who and when was ue First crush?
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Vague question. Is there a time frame? I guess I crushed on 2 girls in kindergarten.

    What gets you the most excited to do something?
  • Arathels
    Arathels Posts: 6,883 Member
    I get most exited to do stuff that'll give me Adrenaline kick.. I'm gonna go try sky diving in a few weeks and can't wait

    What scares you the most?
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    Failing as a parent

    Same question
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Not being good enough for the people I care about.

    Last time you did something dangerous?
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    Yesterday, went a bit too fast around a corner on the bike.

    Would you still work if you won a 100mil if yes what would u do
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    I would do missionary and charity work. Honestly I don't think I'd keep much of the money.

    Where do you picture yourself in 10 years?
  • Arathels
    Arathels Posts: 6,883 Member
    In Australia, studying whales

    Same question
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    edited June 2016
    Private practice, new house and a few new bikes. Kids married something like that

    Today, are you where you saw yourself 10yrs ago?
  • micropreemiemum
    micropreemiemum Posts: 161 Member
    i was only 11 so no ahaha

    Do you have any big regrets?
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member

    What advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago that isn't about financial gain?
  • Arathels
    Arathels Posts: 6,883 Member
    Stop doing the *kitten* people want you to do and do the things that make you happy

    Same question
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Start lifting so in 5 years you can be competing!

    If you were on death row what would your last meal be?
  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    On that day don't ride. Would have never been injured. Work harder. Stop being a cocky *kitten*

    If you ran your own business what would it be?