Good at logging, bad at reaching out

Hey everyone!
I've gotten into a good streak of logging every day, not always everything, and it's not always healthy. In fact it's usually not. But I'm looking for others who are working to make healthy swaps in their life and are ready to band together with others for motivation!

Feel free to request friends! No such thing as too many! :)


  • dvorbau
    dvorbau Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Mine!!!
    We all go through ups and downs, it's part of life! But.... the excellent thing is there's are numerous ways to help get us back on track and keep us where we need to be, this is just one of many!!! I wish you nothing but success in your fitness goals and endeavors!!! Feel free to add me for some of that extra support your looking for!

  • DanSTL82
    DanSTL82 Posts: 156 Member
    Remember that no matter what you log yourself, your body keeps a meticulous log of everything you've eaten, so you might as well log it as accurately as you can, even if you go over. Lots of people don't like to see the results of logging over their goal, but that's the point of logging, isn't it? To motivate you to stop doing that so much? So go for it. Log everything. It motivates you to eat right.
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi there, I am still getting into the swing of logging everything as I eat out at weekends and find it hard sometimes, but I'm making healthier choices and my logging is getting better. I've sent a friend request, as I'm definitely finding it easier with a good MFP support team! :)
  • VAnneBee
    VAnneBee Posts: 8 Member
    I've also have been keeping up with my log! Honestly is the best policy with myself - I always put everything down even if it's unhealthy (that's probably why my dairy is private). Over time it becomes a great habit and gives some sort of accountability with what I eat daily so I can make better choices. I hope you find it as useful as I have! I'm going to add you. :)