Anyone want to start a new challenge?



  • Kelly111800
    My son bought me and hubby a new strawberry and banana shake from McD's the other night. All I could think about is how many calories were in it. I had to try it, but I can honestly say I only took about 5 sips:embarassed: It is a challenge, but I'm ready, let's go!
    Hugs and Luck,
  • Beccilynn
    Beccilynn Posts: 177
    Sure, lets include that as well. Let's start making some rules...

    -No Fast Food
    -Try to Stay Within Calories
    -Complete all Exercise Goals

    We need a name for the challenge as well... should we just call it Fast Food Challenge?

    I think this would be a great challenge , I dont know how everyone feels about the 30 days - that is kind of hard core especially for the fast food lovers:love: .... we could do 2 weeks or go for the gusto 30 days :flowerforyou:
    I am in for whatever

    :heart: becci
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    i think this sounds good! although the fast food is going to be kind of tough!:frown: is pizza (dominos)considered fast food? i do agree with it being just places with drive throughs and not actual restaurants because you can go to a restaurant and still eat healthy. same with subway! but whatever you decide. 30 days may be kinda long but i'm willing to try if that is what you do.:noway: i think it's going to be good having to post if you made cals. it will make me want too.:wink: what will happen if you don't follow the rules?! anything?:wink: can't wait!
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    30 Day Fast Food Challenge!
    April 11, 2008 to May 10, 2008 :smile:

    -No Fast Food for 30 Days (McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, or Taco Bell) ...Dominos can go either way: Homemade pizza is obviously better, but if you can't avoid it due to families... eat veggie and small portions!... I personally would say Panera or Subway is fine if you obviously eat healthy and stay under your allowed calories for the day!

    ...Nothing with a DRIVE-THRU...

    -Every Morning I will start a Topic where we can all check in and state specific goals we have for ourselves.
    -In the Evening I will start another Topic where we can see if we made it with out fast food, exercised, stayed under calorie allowance, and succeeded with or daily goals!

    If we eat fast food... Then another member of this challenge can "challenge" you to complete any amount of sit ups, push ups, stretching, or whatever else you might feel is appropriate.

    This will give us a little motivation for our goals and no fast food because if we do mess up... we have other members who will gives us something to do to make up for it! :laugh:

    Everyone please share your stats if you'd like tomorrow...and then the last day of our 30 days challenge we can see how much we lost!

    You can do this... if you have any other ideas to add... rules, thoughts...let me know!

    GOOD LUCK... tomorrow it starts.
  • Beccilynn
    Beccilynn Posts: 177
    30 Day Fast Food Challenge!
    April 11, 2008 to May 10, 2008 :smile:

    -No Fast Food for 30 Days (McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, or Taco Bell) ...Dominos can go either way: Homemade pizza is obviously better, but if you can't avoid it due to families... eat veggie and small portions!... I personally would say Panera or Subway is fine if you obviously eat healthy and stay under your allowed calories for the day!

    ...Nothing with a DRIVE-THRU...

    -Every Morning I will start a Topic where we can all check in and state specific goals we have for ourselves.
    -In the Evening I will start another Topic where we can see if we made it with out fast food, exercised, stayed under calorie allowance, and succeeded with or daily goals!

    If we eat fast food... Then another member of this challenge can "challenge" you to complete any amount of sit ups, push ups, stretching, or whatever else you might feel is appropriate.

    This will give us a little motivation for our goals and no fast food because if we do mess up... we have other members who will gives us something to do to make up for it! :laugh:

    Everyone please share your stats if you'd like tomorrow...and then the last day of our 30 days challenge we can see how much we lost!

    You can do this... if you have any other ideas to add... rules, thoughts...let me know!

    GOOD LUCK... tomorrow it starts.

    whew hew **jumps around room , summer saults, skips and yells YEE HAAAA ***

    Did I just burn calories for that haha


  • Kelly111800
    :wink: I'm in!!! Can't Wait!!
    Hugs and Luck,
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    me too! see you all tomarrow!:happy:
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    i am in ! Good bye nasty greasy burgers and crispy golden..oh let me stop!

    Let's go!

    I am going to Germany for vaca on May 26th so this is perfect for me!
  • curvylady
    curvylady Posts: 135
    I like you, need a personal challenge (food, not exercise based). I used to be the leader in TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and we regularly had games, challenges etc. It is harder when you are online though.

    I would like an online buddy who has similar goals as me, issues etc.

    I am 42, weigh 188 pounds, 5'7, married 22 years with no children, work full time in insurance as a secretary (sitting on my bum all day), love to cook, love to eat, not lazy but not motivated. I would love to weigh 150 to 160 this year and then see from there.

    I am aiming for 1200 calories but usually over by a few hundred.

    Some challenges you can do are omitting or limiting an item for one week. For example, no more than two cappuccinos (or similar) each day. I also have cut alcohol to only one day per week (either Friday or Saturday).

    If you, or anyone would like to do something, I am in!!!!

    BTW, I live in Australia so we may have a time difference to deal with.

  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Nope, not part of the 28lbs or less club. I have a lot more than 28lbs to lose, hehe.

    Boy I wish. Try 60 more to go!!!!!

    Hey that it , maybe do a 50-60 lbd to go challenge??

    I don't know. I just hate weighing in until I get my new scale
  • chriss1tt
    chriss1tt Posts: 365 Member
    :happy: Count me in. I am ready for a great challange. I'll be checking in in the mornin. good luck everybody.
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    I'm in too :smile:
  • Beccilynn
    Beccilynn Posts: 177
    Did we get a thread started this morning for this 30 day no fast food challenge ??

    thanks !
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    Yes... the Thread has been started... It says something like: Day #1 Fast Food Challenge Check IN
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I just looked over my goal page. I see that it lists my lifestyle as burning 2000 calories a day, but I am supposed to only eat 1200. This is a deficit of 800 calories, which should allow me to lose 2 pounds a week. That's great, but I exercised for 30 minutes today and burned off an extra 421. Should I eat those calories? I don't really want to because I'm not really hungry. I'm thinking about having a protein bar for about 180 calories so I could get some extra protein to build muscle. Any other thoughts?