Hypnosis as an adjunct to healthy eating and fitness?

ERnurse Posts: 77
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering if there is anyone who has tried the hypnosis route along with eating better - I think I need something "more" just not sure what that is...seems the eating/bingeing keeps going - even when I acknowledge that I am doing it - I still do it :( Anyway, I have been doing the Herbal Magic program and I like how it is set-up - I just can't seem to stick to an eating plan - aarrrrgghhh so totally frustrating :(



  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    I have not tried Hypnosis. But it seems to me that you have a similar problem to that of myself, you enjoy eating, and/or eat because you're bored. It's OK, a lot of us do, that's why we are here. But you have to find something to keep your mind off of it, or that will preoccupy your time. Walk or ride when you get bored, go out to the park, read a book, something. I found that my hobbies actually helped me curb my appetite, I'm in a band so between practice (to which I ride my bike) and gigs (which is more strenuous then running, lol) I kept my mind off food. Maybe this will help, I hope so don't get discouraged. KEEP IT UP!!! :happy:
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    Never tried it, but I am all for it. I know someone who say a hypnotist to quit smoking. On the way out, she dropped her pack of cigarettes in the trash can and never had the desire to start smoking again. Granted, I am sure that is not a typical result...maybe it is? Who knows. I say, go for it!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    hypnosis is great for anything, its all about affirmations and stuff, don't expect them to say 'be healthy' a lot of people have preconceptions about hypnosis that are all just media hype and stuff. it does work though, they use hypnosis on people living with tourette's alongside other behavioural treatments. so it must be something good.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I do not know anyone who tried it for weight loss but I sent my sister-in-law for professional hypnotherapy because she had problems being in a medical or hospital setting and she would faint when she had lab work done or if she even looked at a needle. I sent her because her husband (my brother) gave my husband a portion of his liver. She needed to be there for her husband and I knew it was going to be intense for her. The hypnosis worked amazingly well. July 9, 2010 we celebrate our 6 year post transplant (liverversary :happy: ) The tools she learned during hypnotherapy continue to help her with her medical appoints and she has said it was the best gift. I have recently thought about trying it for myself to help with the urge to overeat or binge.:ohwell:
  • indy2bird
    indy2bird Posts: 13
    I did not do hypnosis but did speak to a hypnosist at one point. She stated that a lot of people eat because they are trying to fulfill a need or fill a void. It may be a psychological/emotional need, a physical need, concious or uncouncious needs. She said that there are triggers in our lives that may set the need off and we are just trying to fill it with tangible things. she said the hypnosis works to take you back to the point that set off that trigger. It could be something that happened in childhood or later in life. In her experience she said that it could 3-8 sessions. That if it only took three sessions she was happy to see her clients happy or of it took all eight so be it.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I have not used hypnosis for anything food related, but I did use it to overcome a childhood trauma. I also know people who have used it to quit smoking and have had long-term success. The key to it working, is you believing and following through. I know someone who used a friends recorded hypnotherapy sessions for weightloss. She was skeptical, she mocked it, she would stuff her face and say, "see, it doesn't work" In reality, she didn't put any effort into it and those sessions were not made for her.

    My hypnotherapist is very experienced and certified. He specializes in medical hypnosis. His wife has had root canals with no anesthetic. Amazing stuff! He does pregnancy hypnosis too. I garauntee I will use hypnosis with my next child! He also taught me self-hypnosis. I can put myself in trance durning a lecture and ace the test. It helps with meditation too.

    Like someone else said earlier, its not what most people expect. You are fully awake and in control. They can't make you do anything you don't want to do. It can get intense too. A good therapist will take you on a journey backwards to find any triggers that need to be worked out. Its never what you think it is and you may or may not remember it when you come out of hypnosis.

    Check out this site to find a certified therapist in your area. http://www.ccnprogroup.com/
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Oh yeah. I also wanted to say that the key to successful hypnosis for weightloss, is changing the way you think about it.

    For example, (my therapist spent several hours explaining this to me because I'm considering going to school for it), you have to stop saying I'm going to lose weight- because it is negative. It makes logical sense that you are losing weight, but the subconscious doesn't want to lose anything. You simply start saying, I'm changing my shape. Same thing, differnt words. Those are the things that you will learn under hypnosis. You will learn to think that way. That is the key, your thinking.

    K. I'm done now.:laugh:
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    I tried it but it did not help me and it cost me about 1,200 bucks!
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