Disheartened by healthy eating and weight gain

I am on my second week of healthy eating and have completely cut out crisps, chocolate and some carbs. I am following MFP which is recommending I have 1400 calories a day. I have also joined the gym and am exercising 2-3 times a week. If anything, I am actually under my daily calorie allowance on the majority of days. I know it is early days but I have actually put two pounds on since trying to eat healthy and it is really disheartening me. I am feeling bloated and am not sure where I am going wrong. Does anyone have any help, advice or support they can offer? A typical breakfast would be 40g porridge oats with unsweetened almond milk, two strawberries, a tsp of peanut butter and chia seeds. Mid morning snack = apple or banana. Lunch = Lettuce, tomatoes, butternut squash noodles, 30g feta cheese and couscous. Mid afternoon snack = homemade protein ball. Dinner = Asparagus/tender stem broccoli, spinach, quorn sausages & sweet potato and sometimes after dinner snack = banana and tsp peanut butter.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Are you using a food scale? If not, start there to figure out where you are underestimating your calories.
  • Laura_buthlay
    Laura_buthlay Posts: 34 Member
    I use a food scale to measure out the porridge oats, and couscous but not for the veg - would you recommend weighing everything?
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    I'd recommend measuring everything or your own piece of mind. Also, I assume your goal is less than what you were eating before, in terms of calories, as eating healthy won't necessarily mean losing weight if you're eating more than before on average. Also, keep an eye out for accuracy when logging exercise and maybe don't eat back calories if you do.
    Furthermore, it's only two weeks, so keep at it and you should see or feel a difference. I've gained weight recently but now I'm exercising more, so it could be muscle potentially, although, like I said it's too soon to tell. Your body fluctuates a lot anyway throughout a month. Maybe only weigh yourself monthly? Or look at measurements and body fat for a better measure of changes. This is particularly true if you don't have that much to lose.
    Just keep going and you'll feel better. Don't be disheartened. It sounds like a good plan, very yummy!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I use a food scale to measure out the porridge oats, and couscous but not for the veg - would you recommend weighing everything?

    weigh the peanut butter
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited May 2016
    The bloated feeling is due to the change in diet, change in exercise, time of month, salt, etc...
    Basically you are trying to do a lot in a short time and this take effort.

    Relax, you're doing fine and if you give yourself time, you'll get there. Don't let the negative mind space sabotage your start.
  • Laura_buthlay
    Laura_buthlay Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you Danietta, I will measure out everything to see if I am under estimating the calories. I don't eat back the calories I burn and I am eating less calories than I was before, not just eating healthily. I have heard you can gain muscle weight when you start to go to the gym but I thought as I've only been going for a week (2 or 3 times) it definitely can't be that! Thanks for your kind words though :smile: I will keep at it!
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Your muscles often retain water when you start a new exercise regime :) plus bodies fluctuate naturally, it's perfectly normal. You should definitely get into the habit of weighing absolutely all of your food, it will 100% help you know exactly how many calories you are putting in your body. Peanut butter can be sneaky, my spoonful last night ended up being 22 g instead of 15 g at first scoop - it all adds up!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Definitely weight the calorie dense stuff, if that's not working, weigh everything. You could also be retaining some water from the new exercise routine. That will drop off, but it could take a little while. If you nail down the logging, just give it some time and have patience.
  • Becca_250
    Becca_250 Posts: 188 Member
    Firstly congrats on cutting out some unhealthy stuff so far, you're doing better than me as I have chocolate every day! Ideally weigh absolutely everything, but definitely the oats/milk/pb/seeds/cheese/couscous/sweet potato/sausages as those could all add up to extra calories. Even the banana could vary in 50+ calories depending on its size. I was amazed at how big my portion sizes were before I was weighing everything. Could you possibly be drinking additional calories?
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    I use a food scale to measure out the porridge oats, and couscous but not for the veg - would you recommend weighing everything?

    Yes, weigh everything.

    Also, don;t be too disheartened by the weight gain. As @EvgeniZyntx says your body is probably retaining more fluids due to the new exercise regime. You seem to be doing the right things so stick at it.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited May 2016
    What happened when I changed my diet significantly I stopped being regular i.e. going to the toilet for number 2. Until, well, it came out over two days. Up to that point I felt bloated uncomfortable etc after that much better. Has not happened since.
    I just put it down to my digestive system and bowles needing to get used to the actual workout as well :-)
  • Laura_buthlay
    Laura_buthlay Posts: 34 Member
    I drink a few cups of tea and perhaps one coffee through out the day? My main drawback drinks wise is not drinking water, I know I need to but I really struggle with it!! And yes @dutchandkiwi I think what has happened to you has happened to me too, hopefully it will put itself right soon!

  • Samanthancuriel
    Samanthancuriel Posts: 2 Member
    i hardly lost any "weight" when i started eating cleaner and going to the gym regularly. what i lost was inches. take your measurments! and compare in another 2 weeks.
  • Laura_buthlay
    Laura_buthlay Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks @Samanthancuriel I will try that too, are there any good websites to tell you which measurements to record?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thanks @Samanthancuriel I will try that too, are there any good websites to tell you which measurements to record?

    These are the measurements I record, once a week, on the same day, at the same time--waist, hips(feel where your hip bone is so you always measure the same place), stomach (belly button level), breasts, thigh(try to measure the biggest part), arm (again, try to measure your bicep in the biggest part), and neck. Measurements are important to see progress, and lift you up when the scale isn't moving.
  • Samanthancuriel
    Samanthancuriel Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks @Samanthancuriel I will try that too, are there any good websites to tell you which measurements to record?
    you can record a few in the progress section of the app. i personally measure and weigh once every week or 2 in a journal. i measure hip, waist, neck, underbust, and forearm.

  • Laura_buthlay
    Laura_buthlay Posts: 34 Member
    Has anyone tried the lean in 15? I want to give it a go but am vegetarian and have heard alot of the recipes are meat
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Has anyone tried the lean in 15? I want to give it a go but am vegetarian and have heard alot of the recipes are meat

    Why not just stick with what you are doing and give yourself time?

    Sounds like you want to run around and "do stuff" when just being consistent and sticking to a plan is what you need.
  • KAZD44
    KAZD44 Posts: 4 Member
    Cutting out the rubbish is the hardest part so well done for managing to do that. Are you being 100% honest with yourself and logging absolutely everything that passes your lips? Don't forget to log any milk you have in tea/coffee, any oil that you cook with etc. Try to take in more protein than carbohydrates. I assume you're vegetarian as I don't see any lean meats in your day? Stick with it though as sometimes it takes your body a couple of weeks to realise what's happening then it will jump into action.
  • Laura_buthlay
    Laura_buthlay Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks @KAZD44 I'm not logging milk in tea actually but yes logging everything else but like some people have said as I am not weighing everything I may be underestimating some weights and calories. I will stick with it and see if it kicks in! Fingers crossed!