Weird Sync Issues with MFP to FitBit (exercise calories)?

Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
Anyone else having weird syncing with their fitbit data to MFP for exercise? This has been happening for me on/off for around a week now. I'll sync my fitbit (to its own app) then open up MFP and sync. My exercise calories will be at say 300 at one point during the day, I'll do more activity and go to sync and you'd think it would increase but sometimes it decreases my exercise calories. A bit later it may increase them, and then later decrease. Up/down!

Yesterday, I got in over 18K steps which was daytime little walks, my C25K workout and 1.5 hour walk with a friend in the evening. It had me earning 900 calories at one point which I was so happy to see but then one sync brought it back down to 500. I'm not eating those anyway but I really feel proud to see them. What is going on?? Is there a bug or is this right? I'm set to sedentary as my day job is such.

And this is over two devices as I bought a brand new fitbit on Sunday. I even unpaired and repaired with MFP to see if that fixed it but nope.