Thinking of trying TDEE (-20%)



  • nyctina
    nyctina Posts: 24 Member
    You guys are so great and supportive. I woke up this morning up about 3.5lbs from my official weigh in last friday and went into PANIC MODE which is what led to the question above about changing my calories.

    You all have really calmed me down while explaining the differnence in plans and also helped me to realize I can only take one week at a time. (Duh :blush: )

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Thanks so much everyone...sounds like everyone is here is encouraging TDEE which I admit I may prefer (especially planning the workouts ahead to hit the set macros). I'll finish up with the MFP numbers for this week (see what happens loss wise) and since my bday is next week I might try TDEE for a few weeks to see what happens. I'm also thinking TDEE may work better because I can already feel myself becoming paranoid about not eating earlier in the day so I can make sure I don't go over my daily calories by the end.
    I'll argue the other side as @SezxyStef :D . I prefer TDEE (although I only subtract 10%). I like knowing how many calories per day to shoot for. When using MFP plus exercise calories, my daily # of calories would change. It was like shooting at a moving target. I hated having to try to make my calories work at the end of the day. Now I just shoot for 1930 calories every day. Much easier to get into a rhythm and hit my goals.

    BTW, I am also 5'9", currently 179 pounds, 41 year old female. So, your TDEE sounds like a realistic number to me.

    Wow...your stats are pretty close to mine (although I don't think I can ever get that low weight wise :) ). If you don't mind sharing (either here or just send me a message) are you still aiming to lose or at maintenance with that daily calorie count?

    1930 is my TDEE minus 10%. My TDEE is approximately 2200 calories. My goal weight is 165.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    To Echo @quiksylver296 I figured I couldn't get below a certain weight either...lowest I had seen in about 20 years...165...blew past it.

    You will surprise even yourself when you figure out you can do it.

    As well like sylver My TDEE is between 2k and 2400 depending on the season...I am a bit shorter than you two but older.