Hammer and chisel or p90x3???

trueblu3 Posts: 62 Member
Need help people I'm completely torn as to which programme to do next! Any advice and help would be great


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I love p90x3!
  • aliciapastorlecha
    aliciapastorlecha Posts: 169 Member
    I just did hammer and chisel and loved it. It is resistance training and I do love lifting weights.
    I am personally not a fan of Tony Horton , but x3 is good too and you can get it in On Demand, while the hammer and chisel you have to buy the program
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    I can't really say much about X3 because I've never done it but Hammer and Chisel is....different to me than most other TBB weight training dvds. The usuals like the P90X series or Body Beast usually have a standard schedule that lasts about three weeks at a time that focuses on specific muscle groups; whereas H&C has different workouts during the weeks and focuses more on back, chest, and legs with minimal bicep/tricep work. You don't have alot of "traditional" cardio that focuses on elevating your heart rate with high paced moves with an increased intensity. Instead, you work your legs ALOT in this program and it raises your heart rate because it's the largest muscle group. I'd average about 370 calories burned in a 40+minute workout. I'd do about the same in Max 30. I'm not sure if it's fair to say every day is leg day in this program but that's kinda how I feel. All in all I like it, but I'm a cardio junkie, so if I do it again, I'll add Max 30 immediately following an H&C workout or do it first thing in the AM.
  • hpacaro
    hpacaro Posts: 25 Member
    If your goal is toning, H&C an excellent program but it doesn't have much cardio with it. If you are a cardio junkie X3 has more variety but some of it is about trainer style and how it works with your body. I have a lot of shoulder issues so Tony Hortons style tends to disagree with me even though I like him. H&C does have a lot of leg work which is what I need and like. I have already been through H&C once and just started another round. First time I didn't do any layering of cardio and felt heavy at the end although I definitely had better muscle definition. This time I am doing a 2nd cardio program on top of it. If you have the time in the day to do something on top of it and get your cardio fix you kind of get the best of both worlds.
  • sarochka85
    sarochka85 Posts: 103 Member
    I love Insanity Max 30! Probably my favourite fitness programme.

    Have you thought about Jillian Michaels's BodyShred? It is cardio-wise decent rather than amazing, but incorporates decent strength stuff, esp. if you use heavier dumbbells. No pullups though, unlike with Tony.
  • Allanro
    Allanro Posts: 42 Member
    I'm on my second week of P90X3, it's really tough to the point you feel sick and the end lol. But hey I love it and would recommend it.
  • riasntx
    riasntx Posts: 25 Member
    I just started P90X3. I loved P90X and achieved my weight goals within one year. Now I want to continue with my maintenance phase. I never bulked but you can see some slight muscle definition. I think P90X3 will be perfect. I also bought Body Beast in case I want to add a second workout and more muscle. I love all of my Beach Body workouts. I'm not familiar with Hammer and Chisel.