Gaining Weight on 1,000 Calories



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    How can a college have a weight requirement to get on a dance team that is so incredibly wrong!

    It could be the special troll squad.
  • ramosjocelyn
    ramosjocelyn Posts: 4 Member
    BMI charts for adults are for those ages 21 and up. I am 19. I am also at the 6th percentile, which puts me just above the underweight threshold. The reason we have a weight requirement like we do is because they buy sets of costumes every year. In order to be guaranteed a solo, you must fit into a costume. The sizes they have left are XXS, which I will fit into if I lose those five pounds.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    5 pounds is a LOT of weight for you. How well will you even be able to perform losing more weight? I can't believe you can't alter that costume just a little to fit into it.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    OP--I'd like to add something. I was a dancer until I had a catastrophic knee injury. I know the mentality. That is why I'm very worried about you. If you really feel like it's a good idea to lose more weight, please have a discussion with a doctor. A good one.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I want to thank all of you. I've decided to not worry about the solo and focus on my health. My new goal is to maintain my weight due to lots of hard college classes and dance making it hard to gain weight. I will focus on gaining now and over the summer but I will make no promises as to gaining weight once fall comes around.

    I think the focusing on your health is the right choice. You only get one body, abusing it now can have life-long consequences. Eating properly with the stress of school is challenging, but you can do it.
    CBAOW Posts: 10 Member
    I was going to post supporting the advice against Jocelyn trying to lose more weight but I see you have come to this conclusion yourself. I think it is worth pointing out that while "starvation mode does not exist" is reasonable advice for most overweight dieters metabolic adaptation is something that exists in underweight people on very low calorie diets, which is exactly this situation! Good on you OP for deciding to focus on your health. You will be a better dancer if you are putting the right things into your body.
  • shortcdngirl
    shortcdngirl Posts: 56 Member
    This whole thread has made me sad :(
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    This whole thread has made me sad :(

    Nah, it got good near the end when OP listened and took on board the good information and decided to take care of her health :)
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I want to thank all of you. I've decided to not worry about the solo and focus on my health. My new goal is to maintain my weight due to lots of hard college classes and dance making it hard to gain weight. I will focus on gaining now and over the summer but I will make no promises as to gaining weight once fall comes around.

    This brings tears to my eyes. Seriously.
  • ummijaaz560
    ummijaaz560 Posts: 228 Member
    Where is this child's parents and support system? College or not someone should have her back. She has to be told by a public Internet forum not to lose anymore weight at 95lbs. Good luck OP!
  • rollerjog
    rollerjog Posts: 154 Member
    can someone explain how you gain weight on 1000 calories
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    rollerjog wrote: »
    can someone explain how you gain weight on 1000 calories

    You don't. A two year old child needs 1200 calories a day to gain weight. An adult female can't gain on 1000 cal unless there is some serious godawful rare (if such a thing even exists, and I'm not sure it does at her stats) medical stuff going on. It simply isn't physically possible unless you're the size of an average American toddler.

    The likelihood is that the 1000 calories in the log aren't 1000 calories in real life. Trained professionals are known to underestimate. And we're all just folk. What does that tell you?
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    My friend once weighed a healthy 120 lbs...then 100...then 95....and now she still thinks she needs to lose weight....Stop now before it gets outta hand!
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited May 2016
    You know what? Here's a secret I learned back in college when I was starving myself for performance dance...
    The solos? Go to the girl who is willing to sleep with the producer, not to the skinniest girl, or the best dancer. They go to the girl who goes the extra mile, not on the dance floor but in the back room after rehearsal. It's NOT WORTH IT! :) Be you, dance the best you can, and take the best care you can of your body.

    Also, another tiny something I learned in those days... If you're eating at a severe calorie deficit and working out constantly, and, you say, fall and break your foot? It won't heal. Bones need a caloric surplus to heal properly. The cartilage in your joints needs proper nutrition to heal. Ask dancers who are now in their 40's and 50's what working so hard for those solos cost us in terms of our bodies and ask if it was worth it. :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You're already underweight....