I need someone to help keep me acountible

I always fall of the healthy eating and working out routines after a week or two. Or after a couple months. I need someone who will help keep me accountable. I always have a goal set out. And I do really well at first then say F this and do whatever and get lazy. I think it has to do with my energy levels Help please!


  • jessb169
    jessb169 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Maybe we can work to keep each other accountable?
  • angsundliebe
    angsundliebe Posts: 16 Member
    I hear ya lol i usually get to just about my goal and go thays good enough and end up gaining a decent amount back before going back into it. But this time is different ive been at this over a month and am going strong. I had a baby in october so its not just ten or twenty pounds i have to lose. I got up to a whopping 225 after he was born and am on my way back down to at least 130. (195 atm) its hard but im here if you need support or someone to call you out
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. Its hard for me to keep going sometimes but I keep reminding myself how much better I feel after working out and meeting my calories for the day. Feel free to add me