I didn't even know there was a community side to MFP!!

Hi! I've dabbled a little with MFP over the years but definitely didn't use it to its full potential. I looked into enrolling into a commercial weight loss company because I heard the community support online was great. But then I learned there was a community portion of MFP that I didn't even know existed!!

I'm new here and trying to stick to my allotted calories per day. I have at least 60 lbs to lose...ideally 70-80. I'm not good at sticking to a plan. It used to be easy when I had a physical, strenuous job but now I sit at a desk. No matter how much I try to move, there just isn't a lot of opportunity due to the layout of my office. I started going to the gym this week. My goal is 3x a week to the gym and 1 day of cutting the grass w/ a push mower which ends up being 45 minutes.

Fingers crossed the community forums help keep me on track!

